John’s proclamation of baptism. John’s message: The conviction that the time was short and the Day of the Lord was at hand. Necessary to take some action in face of the imminent judgment. The recognition of the need for washing and judgment (Is 4.4).
The eschatological age: A future pouring out of the Spirit. Two ideas had come together in Ezek : Cleansing is the preliminary step to the gift of God’s Spirit.
Through repentance and baptism (moral purification), men were forgiven and made members of the real people of God, prepared for the coming of God. The sign that they were members of true Israel (Is 4.4; Ezek 36.25). John’s baptism was intended to be the preparation for the New Age. John the Baptist thought of himself as the prophet of the eschatological age.
Baptism was a rite to gather a holy people of God. To join those who by baptism showed that they looked for the coming Kingdom of God. These people affirmed in this act of committal that they were ready for his coming.
1.The story of John: Jesus is the one whose coming is expected in scripture. 2. The baptism: To reveal Jesus as God’s beloved Son and the bearer of the Holy Spirit. 3. The temptation: To show Jesus confronting Satan in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Three events/stories convey Christological concern. Not to read the stories as accounts of a series of events. Information about the identity of Jesus and the meaning of his ministry. No secret about who Jesus is.