A Time For Decision Joshua 24.  C hoice 14-18 cp. Mt 6:24 You cannot serve God and _________ Serve the Lord Make up your mind today My family and I choose.


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Presentation transcript:

A Time For Decision Joshua 24

 C hoice cp. Mt 6:24 You cannot serve God and _________ Serve the Lord Make up your mind today My family and I choose the Lord Response: Why would we serve anyone but the Lord? see Jn 12:32-33

A Time For Decision Joshua 24  C hallenge Not so fast… You won’t be able to keep your commitment You will not be able to serve the Lord; He is holy & jealous Forsake Him and face His wrath! see Lk 14:25-33

A Time For Decision Joshua 24  C ovenant Israel insists they will serve the Lord They agree to be witnesses against themselves One more time: this is what you are agreeing to Let’s write it down Let’s set up a memorial

A Time For Decision Joshua 24  C ovenant 21-27: A Christian’s Three “Stones” Confession Baptism Lord’s Supper 1 Tim 6:12-14 Rom 6:1-6 1 Cor 11:23-28

A Time For Decision Joshua 24 Have You Made Your C hoice and entered into a C ovenant with the Lord? If not, make it today! Acts 2:36-38, 41 But, first, are you up to the C hallenge?

A Time For Decision Joshua 24 Christian, how are you doing with your c ovenant? C Confession Baptism Lord’s Supper Look at your stones; let them keep you on track!