Richard Durant: Improving teaching and learning with the KS3 Strategy.


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Presentation transcript:

Richard Durant: Improving teaching and learning with the KS3 Strategy

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Improving teaching and learning Good teaching: What it is How to get it How to keep it

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is Think of something you recently learnt, or learnt to do betterThink of something you recently learnt, or learnt to do better What helped you to learn?

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is Effective teachers…. Are explicit and engaging Are not ‘right answer auctioneers’ Design learning out of assessment Connect with their students

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is Lesson episodes What do they know? What do they need to know? How will they learn? Start early and start often!

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is Year 9 history lesson log: trench warfare Strengths Problems solutions

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is Objectives are………….. what students will have learnt by the end of the lesson

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is We are learning to (WALT)…. Identify the factors that affect how quickly enzymes work Use figurative language to affect a reader’s emotional response Substitute an integer into a simple formula

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is A sequence for teaching writing: 1. Establish clear aims. 2. Provide example(s). 3. Explore the features of the text. 4. Define the conventions. 5. Demonstrate how it is written. 6. Compose together. 7. Scaffold the first attempts. 8. Independent writing. 9. Draw out key learning.

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is Video of the teaching of writing: Notice how the teacher uses stages 3-6 of the sequence for teaching writing: 3. Explore the features of the text. 4. Define the conventions. 5. Demonstrate how it is written. 6. Compose together.

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is Ways of thinking about teaching…… Know, show, share, pair, perfect, reflect Socio-cultural perspectives Ofsted

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: what it is “In the lessons that were good or better the teachers specified clearly a comprehensive set of learning objectives, including what the pupils should understand, as well as what they should be able to do. In the lessons where there were weaknesses…the teachers lacked strategies to check understanding…during the lesson, and therefore failed to take action to support pupils who were unsure of key elements….The pupils’ progress in the lessons visited was closely related to the quality of the teaching.” Ofsted school report leading to special measures

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: How to get it Action research/experimentation Research buddies Teaching and learning policy Schemes of Work Data: how effective are we? Performance management Monitoring

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: How to get it

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: How to get it The Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools series: 1.Lesson Design 2.Teaching Pupils Who Make Slower Progress 3.Modelling 4.Questioning 5.Active Engagement Strategies 6. Starters 7. Group Work 8. Developing Effective Learners 9. Improving the Climate for Learning

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: How to keep it Training, experiment and dissemination Continuous professional development targeted at groups rather than individuals Everything evaluated in terms of its likely impact on teaching and learning in lessons Every meeting provides an opportunity for learning about teaching Monitoring, including work sampling and observation Support for peer observations and co-teaching Recruitment of ‘sharing best practice’ co-ordinator – probably an AST

Richard DurantTeaching and Learning Good teaching: where are you now? All teachers in the school share a definition of good teaching and this definition is made explicit in the school policy on teaching and learning, and obviously informs lesson plans and schemes of work. The school has teachers who regularly experiment and reflect on and discuss their practice. The school has a classroom monitoring programme, and all staff are supplied with the data they need to help them evaluate their own effectiveness. The school enjoys a culture of experimentation and professional development. Teachers actively support each other in this process. Work sampling is regularly carried out across the curriculum. The school is self-evaluating at every level and at every moment.