Reference Portfolio By: YourName 4 th Grade School Year
Table of Contents Dictionary Thesaurus Encyclopedia Atlas Non-Fiction Books Almanac Phone Books and DirectoriesPhone Books and Directories Biographies Experts and InterviewsExperts and Interviews Newspapers and MagazinesNewspapers and Magazines Other
Explanation This is my Portfolio of Reference Sources. A Portfolio is: A Source is: My favorite Source is the ____________ because
Dictionary What is a dictionary?
Dictionary How do you use a dictionary?
Dictionary Where are the dictionaries? Why would you use a dictionary? What is your favorite word in the dictionary?
Thesaurus What is a thesaurus?
Thesaurus How do you use a thesaurus?
Thesaurus Why would you use a thesaurus? Where are the thesauri?
Encyclopedia What is an encyclopedia?
Encyclopedia How do you use an encyclopedia?
Encyclopedia Where are the encyclopedias? Why would you use an encyclopedia? What is a volume, article, set? Who is the author of an encyclopedia?
Atlas What is an atlas?
Atlas How do you use an atlas?
Atlas Why would you use an atlas? Where are the atlases?
Non-Fiction Books What are non-fiction books?
Non-Fiction Books How do you use non- fiction books?
Non-Fiction Books Why would you use non- fiction books? Where are the non- fiction books? What are the parts of a Non-Fiction book?
Almanac What are almanacs?
Almanac How do you use an almanac?
Almanac Why would you use an almanac? Where are the almanacs? How many people lived in the USA in 2006?
Phone Books and Directories What are Phone Books and Directories ?
Phone Books and Directories How do you use Phone Books and Directories ?
Phone Books and Directories Why would you use Phone Books and Directories ? Where are the Phone Books and Directories ? Is your number in the phone book? On what page?
Biographies What are biographies ?
Biographies How do you use biographies ?
Biographies Why would you use biographies ? Where are the biographies ? If you wrote your AUTObiography what would it be called?
Experts and Interviews What are experts and interviews?
Experts and Interviews How do you use experts and interviews?
Experts and Interviews Why would you use experts and interviews? Where are the experts and interviews? Who would you like to interview? Why?
Newspapers and Magazines What are newspapers and magazines?
Newspapers and Magazines How do you use newspapers and magazines?
Newspapers and Magazines Why would you use newspapers and magazines? Where are the newspapers and magazines? What is your favorite magazine? Why?
Other What other sources can you think of?