Promotion of national campaigns: at public events in schools
Energy Action Plus Introduced “Cyril” the hot water cylinder mascot Targeted neighbourhood in need of energy saving advice/measures/grants Energy saving packs sent to 1500 households
Energy Action Plus Information pack contains info and competition aimed at school pupils Cyril visits the school in the energy action neighbourhood to present prizes
Global Action plan’s “Action at Home” programme used to: Raise awareness of home energy conservation Conduct energy surveys and distribute CFLs through schools
1999 Jacolly Puppet Theatre: “Astra and the Waste Monster” 9 schools see the production commissioned by Dorset County Council Bournemouth schools poster competition run 2 winning posters used in all schools
2000 Environment 2000 event held: Staged in Central Pleasure Gardens Themes include energy conservation and renewables Solar powered car and other items on display Home energy surveys carried out
2004 Bob & Wally Bournemouth’s new energy saving mascots!
Energy Water Waste Travel Grounds 2000+
Nominate a Green Schools Co-ordinator Set up a green team Do an environmental audit Pick a Green Schools Unit Draw up an action plan Put the plan into action Monitor success & put together portfolio Be accredited by the Green Schools Team How to become a Green School
Green Schools are on the web at: Energy Certification for Schools Let’s see how one of our Green Schools went about saving energy… Other schemes include:
Kings Park Primary School
Green school Green Team Rhys Hughes CO ORDINATOR Ezer Han CO ORDINATOR Laura Miller CO ORDINATOR Mrs. Dunn DEPUTY HEAD Lawrence Payne GOVERNOR
Next Steps Energy and Water Units We are now working towards our Energy and Water Unit Awards We’ve had a meeting with Neil Short and Bob Olding to get extra information on ways to save energy and water. We sent out audits to Y5 and Y3 to find out what they think of things like the temperature of the water in the taps and the temperature of the classrooms. We went around with Mr Ellis (the school Site Manager) to do an energy walk around and this is what we found…
Not so good… Lots of classes have their radiators on during the day and when it gets too hot the teachers open a window which wastes energy. A lot of classes leave their lights on when no one is in the room and also leave taps running. We are going to change this…
Action Plan We have written an action plan. This includes things like… Doing assemblies on energy conservation. Writing a weekly energy quiz for the school newsletter. Asking school councillors to be energy monitors in their classes. Monitoring the amount of energy the school uses by reading the gas and electricity metres regularly. Also…
Making A Difference! To save extra energy we came up with some slogans: If it’s bright, turn out the light! We’ve got signs on the lights that say: If you’re on your way out, turn them out! and on taps it says: Don’t let me drip, because I’m well worth it!