1 Presentation to Select Committee on Social Services Strategic Plan 2008/09 to 2010/11 4 June 2008
Vision & Mission of the Department of Home Affairs VISION A department that provides modern, efficient, cost-effective services that are responsive to the needs of South African citizens, residents and visitors to our country MISSION To assure the status of persons and manage migration according to the letter and spirit of the Constitution pursuant to national development goals and fulfillment of international conventions to which South Africa has acceded VALUES In the spirit of Batho Pele, we shall be guided by the following principles: Ethical conduct, Accountability, Transparency, Flexibility and Professionalism. 2
3 Mandate of DHA and alignment with National Priorities To identify and confirm the status of persons and issue documents that enable the realisation of rights and access to benefits and opportunities (public and private). – The DHA plays a critical role in assuring access to rights, deepening democracy and promoting development and social security. To manage migration at ports of entry and consulates and to determine the status of asylum seekers. – The DHA makes a significant contribution to ensuring national security and integrity, enabling economic development and promoting good international relations.
4 Strategic priorities 1 / 2 Ensuring that the DG is supported by a professional management team that gives leadership, manages and takes control of operations. The transformation element, including: – Ensuring the support and participation of all staff, – Migrating to the new organisational structure – Appointing additional staff. – Establishing at all levels a culture of doing business that is aligned to the values expressed in Batho Pele, – Robust capacity development.
5 Strategic priorities 2 / 2 Ensuring that systems and services are improved to the level required to support the new business processes. – A major challenge is the limited resources available to overcome huge historical problems related to poor information systems and physical infrastructure. Working closely with other departments through clusters and bilaterally to ensure the Turnaround support broader government and creates to links to build synergies. – For example, a key aspect of the new model is the proper and informed management of service delivery tiers and channels. Towards this end, talks are under way with the South African Post Office and the Department of Health.
Implementing the new Home Affairs Service Delivery Model will transform the department What processes will link our business architecture to our Clients in the delivery of our services? What IT and facilities do we need to deliver services to our Clients? How? What? The organizational structure will result from — not drive — the design of the service delivery model People IT Facilities Clients Services Channels Processes and resources Client Cube Operating model Which services will be offered to which Client through which channels? What service and productivity levels are required? Which services will be offered to which Client through which channels? What service and productivity levels are required? What staff with what skills do we require? 6
7 Strategic Objectives 1/ 2 Strategic Objective 1: To provide secure, efficient and accessible civic and related services and products to citizens and legitimate residents within specified timeframes. Strategic Objective 2: To manage migration effectively by enabling the movement of skilled workers into the country and efficiently and securely facilitating the entry, stay and exit of visitors. Strategic Objective 3: To determine the status of asylum seekers and manage refugee affairs in accordance with international treaties and the bill of rights as enshrined in the constitution.
Strategic Objective 4: To foster regional and international co-operation towards improved economic growth and development, including events with strategic importance to the country, such as the FIFA world cup. Strategic Objective 5: To deliver the department’s mandate effectively by implementing a new organisational model that is characterised by caring officials who serve with professionalism and by effective governance and operational control. Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption. Strategic Objectives 2 / 2 8
A partial separation model between Civics and Immigration Services has been adopted; with impact on structure, reporting, budget and support functions Combined/central support functions Support CS CS Support IMS IMS Partial separation model Most of support functions combined Some support functions allocated to core units based on importance to core process and uniqueness of needs Support functions that can be considered channels and mainly serve one core unit, are allocated to that one core unit: Call center (allocated to CS) Foreign offices coordination (allocated to IMS) Each has its own programme in new budget structure; greatly strengthening accountability Reporting lines split: CS by area (zones and regional) and IMS by specialist function. SUPPORT FUNCTIONS, BUDGET, STRUCTURE The model was based on a thorough analysis of current state and options. I.S. (NPR etc.) 9
Departmental Programmes : Main allocations 10
Departmental Programmes : New structure 11
12 Strategic Plan 2008/09 to 2010/11 It is located within a broader strategic outlook It shows the budget structure and allocations per programme It has 3 year activity tables that are integrated under six strategic objectives and are funded within the MTEF. These take it towards a particular vision and align with government’s strategic priorities Each objective has outputs and targets which are measured against specified indicators and assigned to a DDG as programme manager The Strategic Plan has additional plans attached that cover specific areas namely HR, IS Service Delivery Improvement and Finance/ CAPEX plans.
13 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS Strategic Objective 1: To provide secure, efficient and accessible civic and related services and products to citizens and legitimate residents within specified timeframes MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Accessibility enhanced through establishment of targeted service delivery points 28 additional permanent service delivery points established / services offered increased 51 additional permanent service delivery points established / services offered increased 85 additional permanent service delivery points established / services offered increased Products and services rendered within specified time frames 85% of all applications for unabridged birth, marriage and death (BMD) certificates for new registrations correctly processed and issued within 1 day 90% of all applications for unabridged BMD certificates for new registrations correctly processed and issued within 1 day 95% of all applications for unabridged BMD certificates for new registrations correctly processed and issued within 1 day
14 Strategic Objective 1: To provide secure, efficient and accessible civic and related services and products to citizens and legitimate residents within specified timeframes MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Products and services rendered within specified time frames Applications for IDs (first issue) correctly processed and issued within 60 days Applications for IDs (first issue) correctly processed and issued within 30 days Applications for IDs (re- issue) correctly processed and issued within 56 days Applications for IDs (re- issue) correctly processed and issued within 30 days Applications for IDs (re- issue) correctly processed and issued within 20 days Applications for IDs (temporary IDs) correctly processed and issued within 1 day DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS
15 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS Strategic Objective 1: To provide secure, efficient and accessible civic and related services and products to citizens and legitimate residents within specified timeframes MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Products and services rendered within specified time frames Passport applications correctly processed and issued within 10 days Passport applications correctly processed and issued within 5 days Citizenship certificates correctly processed and issued within 6 months Citizenship certificates correctly processed and issued within 4 months Citizenship certificates correctly processed and issued within 1 month
16 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS Strategic Objective 1: To provide secure, efficient and accessible civic and related services and products to citizens and legitimate residents within specified timeframes MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Secure civics related processes, systems, records and enabling documents to combat fraud and corruption New late registration process fully rolled out ID card pilot completed4% of estimated 30 million people issued with ID cards 15% of estimated 30 million people issued with ID cards 20% of affected records cleaned up (NPR) – multiple persons sharing one ID 25% of affected records cleaned up 30% of affected records cleaned
17 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS Strategic Objective 1: To provide secure, efficient and accessible civic and related services and products to citizens and legitimate residents within specified timeframes MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Secure civics related processes, systems, records and enabling documents to combat fraud and corruption 10% of affected records cleaned up - one person with multiple IDs 20% of affected records cleaned up - one person with multiple IDs 30% of affected records cleaned up - one person with multiple IDs Birth, marriage and death (BMD) records digitized Business case finalised and funding secured 30% of BMD records digitised 60% of BMD records digitised
18 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 2: To manage migration effectively by enabling the movement of skilled workers into the country and efficiently and securely facilitating the entry, stay and exit of visitors. MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Drastically improve service delivery to large corporate accounts and grow the number of accounts serviced 50 large accounts serviced 100 large accounts serviced 150 large accounts serviced Improved customer satisfaction (Large Accounts) Baseline established10% satisfaction improvement on baseline findings 30% satisfaction improvement on baseline findings Products and services rendered within specified time frames to facilitate movement of skilled persons weeks for issuance of temporary residence permit (TRP) applications weeks for issuance of TRP applications 4 weeks for issuance of TRP applications
19 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 2: To manage migration effectively by enabling the movement of skilled workers into the country and efficiently and securely facilitating the entry, stay and exit of visitors. MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Products and services rendered within specified time frames to facilitate movement of skilled persons 8 months for issuance of permanent residence (PR) permits 6 months for issuance of PR permits 4 months for issuance of PR permits 5 days for issuance of visas 3 days for issuance of visas Travellers cleared within 1.5 – 2 minutes through streamlined processes Travellers cleared within 1.5 – 2 minutes
20 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 2: To manage migration effectively by enabling the movement of skilled workers into the country and efficiently and securely facilitating the entry, stay and exit of visitors. MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Products and services rendered within specified time frames to facilitate movement of skilled persons Corporate, general and intra-company transfer permits issued to selected corporate clients in a phased-in manner within 15 working days Corporate, general and intra-company transfer permits issued to selected corporate clients in a phased-in manner within 10 working days Business permits issued to investors within 6 to 8 weeks Business permits issued to investors within 4 to 6 weeks Business permits issued to investors within 4 weeks
21 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 2: To manage migration effectively by enabling the movement of skilled workers into the country and efficiently and securely facilitating the entry, stay and exit of visitors. MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Products and services rendered within specified time frames to facilitate movement of skilled persons 2000 quota permits issued 6000 quota permits issued quota permits issued DHA presence at foreign offices expanded (placement of officials) 10 additional foreign offices managed and capacitated by DHA 12 additional foreign offices managed and capacitated by DHA 21 additional foreign offices managed and capacitated by DHA
22 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 2: To manage migration effectively by enabling the movement of skilled workers into the country and efficiently and securely facilitating the entry, stay and exit of visitors. MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Capacity of Airline Liaison function at airports abroad strengthened Rollout plan to capacitate Airline Liaison function implemented 7 Airline Liaison Officers (ALOs) deployed 4 ALOs deployed5 ALOs deployed Illegal migration efficiently and effectively managed in respect of law enforcement Law Enforcement strategy and implementation Approved Law Enforcement strategy implemented Monitoring and evaluation
23 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 3: To determine the status of asylum seekers and manage refugee affairs in accordance with international treaties and the bill of rights as enshrined in the constitution MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Products and services rendered within specified timeframes Section 22 permits issued in 1 day Section 22 permits issued in 1 day Refugee status issued and asylum granted within 6 months Refugee status issued and asylum granted within 1 month Products and services rendered within specified timeframes Referral and review of manifestly unfounded decisions to Standing Committee on Refugee Affairs (SCRA) processed within set timeframes as indicated in signed SLA Referral and review of manifestly unfounded decisions to SCRA processed within set timeframes as indicated in signed SLA
24 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 3: To determine the status of asylum seekers and manage refugee affairs in accordance with international treaties and the bill of rights as enshrined in the constitution MEASURABLE OUTPUT TARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Products and services rendered within specified timeframes 100% of all cases finalised by Refugee Appeal Board (RAB) within set timeframes as per signed SLA 100% of all cases finalised by RAB within set timeframes as per signed SLA Refugee ID documents issued within 3 months Refugee ID documents issued within 20 days Refugee travel documents issued within 10 days Refugee travel documents issued within 5 days
25 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 4: To foster domestic, regional and international co-operation towards improved economic growth and development, including events with strategic importance to the country, such as the FIFA world cup MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 DHA effectively equipped to manage special events such as 2010 Soccer World Cup, Confederation Cup, etc Conceptual design in place that addresses processes, systems and capacity for Confederation Cup Processes, systems and capacity in place for Confederation Cup Processes, systems and capacity in place for Soccer World Cup Accurate and timeous interactions with other government departments ensured Process of inter- governmental submissions, delegations and roles & responsibilities, both with DHA & other government stakeholders, aligned
26 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 5: To deliver the Department’s mandate effectively by implementing a new organisational model that is characterised by caring officials who serve with professionalism and by effective governance and operational control MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 DHA capacity and capability transformed based on the new organisational model Minimum of 700 priority posts filled (7,295 currently filled) 11, 115 total for new model 10% reduction in turnover rate 12% reduction in turnover rate 70% of targeted staff trained and developed against specified standards / new competencies 90% of targeted staff trained and developed against specified standards / new competencies 100% of targeted staff trained and developed
27 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 5: To deliver the Department’s mandate effectively by implementing a new organisational model that is characterised by caring officials who serve with professionalism and by effective governance and operational control MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 DHA capacity and capability transformed based on the new organisational model 75% of new post establishment in place (Posts created on Persal to reflect alignment with new organisational structure) 100% of new post establishment in place (Posts created on Persal to reflect alignment with new organisational structure) Staff composition 60% aligned with prescripts on gender, disability and youth Staff composition 80% aligned with prescripts on gender, disability and youth Staff composition 100% aligned with prescripts on gender, disability and youth
28 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Business processes and systems re-engineered to enhance efficiency Key core and support business processes and systems re-engineered All other support business processes and systems re- engineered Risk management capacity established DHA Risk Mitigation Strategy developed and fully implemented DHA Risk Mitigation Strategy reviewed and updated DHA systems of risk management, internal control and governance processes and their effectiveness and efficiency established Targeted systems of risk management and internal control within specific business units (Finance, Civics, IMS) established and fully compliant Organisational systems of internal control fully compliant to policies, guidelines and performance standards
29 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Compliance to prescribed laws, regulations and legislation (e.g. financial management and auditing standards, including Supply Chain Management) 100% of revenue collected accounted for Phase 1 of Supply Chain transformation finalised (Solid supplier and contract management established and streamlined procurement processes)
30 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Compliance to prescribed laws, regulations and legislation (e.g. financial management and auditing standards, including Supply Chain Management) 100% compliance of targeted offices with specified standards 100% compliance with specified standards Comprehensive DHA policy and legislative framework and programme established Policy and legislative framework approved Policy and legislative framework implemented Policy and legislative framework reviewed Programmes developed for priority policies and legislation
31 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Improved client interaction by focusing on clients and their needs and rendering services in a professional manner Planning phase for centres of excellence completed 1 centre of excellence established 5 centres of excellence established 33 offices refurbished according to minimum standards 102 offices refurbished according to minimum standards 135 offices refurbished according to minimum standards Efficient and effective services provided through the Client Service Centre / Contact Centre 80% of calls answered within 20 seconds at the contact centre 90% of calls answered within 20 seconds at the contact centre 100% of calls answered within 20 seconds at the contact centre
32 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Corruption minimised through competent analysis, identification, prevention, investigation and prosecuting processes Full amalgamation and integration of investigating units achieved Effective systems to prevent corruption in place and trends monitored Full compliance to Minimum Information Security Standards (MISS) established and sustained 100% of high priority security threats and risks addressed
33 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Planned and implemented changes in DHA service delivery proactively communicated 100% of implemented changes communicated (to public and DHA staff) 100% credible information on subject matters provided 100% credible information communicated Enhanced passport system function implemented as enabler to Civic Services' business 40% of enhanced passport system components implemented 100% of enhanced passport system components implemented Monitoring and evaluation, ongoing system maintenance and support
34 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Online verification system (equipment and applications) rolled out to assist in reducing timeframes 100% online verification system rolled out to identified Civic Services and IMS offices Monitoring and evaluation, system enhancements and modifications Monitoring and evaluation, ongoing system maintenance and support Integrated IS systems: Live capture system (infrastructure and applications) rolled out to identified offices (including IDs and passports) to reduce timeframes on enabling documents Integrated IS systems: Live capture system infrastructure and applications rolled out to 90% of identified offices (IMS requirements)
35 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 National Population Register (NPR) system functionality (as identified and approved by Civic Services and IMS) enhanced to assist in reducing specified timeframes in application process of enabling documents 80% of National Population Register (NPR) system functionality enhanced 100% of National Population Register (NPR) system functionality enhanced Monitoring and evaluation, ongoing system maintenance and support
36 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Digitised / scanned record storage restored and optimised to support birth, marriage and death (BMD) as well as citizenship processes 100% of existing (electronic) records accessible and useable and functionality enhanced to back- scan Civic Services’ records Ongoing system maintenance and support Effective and integrated information systems / applications delivered that support DHA requirements 100% HANIS technology refresh completed Ongoing system maintenance and support
37 DHA STRATEGIC CHANGE PLAN - KEY ASPECTS DHA Strategic Objective 6: To create an enabling environment by putting in place support services that are effective, efficient, integrated and that prevent corruption MEASURABLE OUTPUTTARGET 2008/09TARGET 2009/10TARGET 2010/11 Effective and integrated information systems / applications delivered that support DHA requirements 100% integrated IS systems: Movement control, permit and visa systems capability created and rolled out to relevant offices Monitoring and evaluation, enhancements and modifications Monitoring and evaluation, ongoing maintenance and support 100% Refugee and deportation system (ICT infrastructure and applications) implemented Monitoring and evaluation, ongoing maintenance and support
A partial separation model between Civics and Immigration Services has been adopted; with impact on structure, reporting, budget and support functions Combined/central support functions Support CS CS Support IMS IMS Partial separation model Most of support functions combined Some support functions allocated to core units based on importance to core process and uniqueness of needs Support functions that can be considered channels and mainly serve one core unit, are allocated to that one core unit: Call center (allocated to CS) Foreign offices coordination (allocated to IMS) Each has its own programme in new budget structure; greatly strengthening accountability Reporting lines split: CS by area (zones and regional) and IMS by specialist function. SUPPORT FUNCTIONS, BUDGET, STRUCTURE The model was based on a thorough analysis of current state and options. I.S. (NPR etc.) 39
ADDENDUM: Managing zones, rather than provinces, offers Civics and IMS a more optimal organizational structure and improved service delivery NAMIBIA BOTSWANA ZIMBABWE LESOTHO MOZAMBIQUE NORTHERN CAPE FREE STATE LIMPOPO KWA ZULU NATAL WESTERN CAPE EASTERN CAPE MPUMALANGA NORTH WEST GAUTENG SWAZILAND Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 ZoneSurface (km 2 ) 1 170, , , ,303 Total 1,220,813 Zone structure The zone structure will be consistent across Civics and IMS Zones must be understood in context: New service delivery model Managed delivery channels and tiers Consistent standards Stronger, consistent management control Expanded and improved workforce Functioning systems, including ICS A