Sesame Business Network Ethiopia Mekelle, March 21 st 2015 Towards action points for 4 subjects
Today is about relatively less explored subjects We started with the possibility of using satellite information for the sesame sector Then we had a look at the sesame world market and what it means for Ethiopia Later today, we explore risk management In between four other relative new subjects Today’s program
1.In-country value addition 2.Direct supplier-buyer relations 1.Farmer and cooperative business orientation 2.Labour management in the sesame sector Four subjects
Each subject will be shortly introduced, between now and lunch break Presentations: basic information, challenges, experiences, orientations Each presentation ends with some lead questions : these will be explained and will be printed or written on flipcharts for your reference Four short introductions
The four subjects will be discussed in more depth. The aim is to arrive at clear orientations and action points – relating to the key questions raised Two rounds according to ‘World Café’ method Next slides: explanation how it works Four groups
Each group has 3-5 ‘theme owners’; They will stay all the time at the group, and they will debrief on the results of the discussions. They will be 2 rounds : – This means that the ‘table owners’ will receive two groups of participants – And it means that each participant can visit two groups and contribute to two subjects Two rounds
Questions that are put on the table ‘Subject owners’ – stay at the table and will debrief the results Participants to the discussion – there will be two rounds. Each participant can participate for two subjects Participants write their ideas on yellow cards. Will be used to capture most important points Duration 2x25 minutes, is short, focus on giving ideas, not reaching to consensus Second round ‘Core group will prepare debriefing
Listen carefully to the upcoming four presentations Focus on the lead questions asked Use post-its (small yellow papers) to share and summarize your ideas. Focus on getting out the ideas of the participants Do not loose yourself on details or efforts to arrive at consensus Advice