HOW TO FISH By sully
Fishing is a sport. A fishing rod, a hook, bate and water are needed to fish.
First walk, drive or ride to the body of water to fish. Take the fishing rods out and take the bate out. Also take the takle box out which extra bate and hooks.
Next attach the bate to the hook. Place the fishing rod on your sholder then cast out the line. Wile casting press the butten on the bottom. let go of the buten when your hands are eqle with your bellybuten. The line should be in the water.
Last slowly reel in the line. Check to see if you cout a fish if you did let it go. If there is not a fish repeat the steps.
Remember to keep the hook away from your face and not to step on it. Remembering this things will help you have fun and stay safe.