Presentations T&ED 346G By Kevin McKenna
What Did I Expect? Easy Boring Unchallenging Felt like I should have been able to test out of this class
What Have I Experienced? Interesting Entertaining Challenging
What Have I Learned? Computer Components Desktop Publishing Websites for Children Web Page Creation Word and Excel Review Examples of how to utilize technology in the classroom.
Most Beneficial Topic Creating a Web Page –Have always wondered how to create one. –Would like to know more about the web so I can pass on tips and tricks to students.
What is the Class Lacking? Since we have so many graduate students in the class who are already teaching, I think it would be beneficial to draw from those experiences and incorporate more real life examples in class (possibly for extra credit).
Textbook I have not used the textbook because I have found the book’s website to be informative and effective.
Conclusion T&ED 346G is an entertaining and interesting class that has exceeded my expectations thus far. I am looking forward to completing my Web Page Assignment and then rededicating my Saturday mornings to Golf!