Cataloging Musical Sound Recordings Student A Student B Melvyn Yabut Advanced Cataloging and Organization of Information (LIBR 249) Instructor: Dr. Robert Ellett School of Library and Information Science San Jose State University
Objectives Identify key issues in cataloguing sound recordings in general and music sound recordings in particular. Discuss current standards and rules for cataloging music sound recordings. Provide an overview of the cataloging process for music sound recordings, including descriptive cataloging, choice of access points and subject analysis.
Scope Chapter 6 of AACR2 covers sound recordings in the following formats: –discs –tapes (open reel-to-reel, cartridges, cassettes) –piano rolls (and other rolls) –sound recordings on film AACR2 rules do not cover specifically recordings in other forms (e.g., wires, cylinders) or in various experimental media, and suggest using appropriate specifications in the physical description and special notes to describe such items. This presentations focuses mainly on compact discs and sound cassettes as the two most popular formats.
Tools for Cataloging Music Sound Recordings Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2), Second Edition, 2002 Revision Especially Chapter 6 (Sound Recordings), Chapter 5 (Music) and Chapter 1 (General Rules). Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (LCRIs) MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data OCLC Bibliographic Formats and Standards
Sources of Information The chief source is the physical item and label. TypeChief Source DiscDisc and label Tape cassetteCassette and label Area Prescribed Source of Information 1 Title and Statement of Responsibility (245 field) Chief source of information 2 Edition (250 field) 4 Publication, etc.(260 field) Chief source, accompanying textual material, container 6 Series (4XX field) 5 Physical description (300 field) 7 Notes (5XX fields) Any source 8 Standard Number (02X fields) Note: Area 3 Material Specific Details does not apply for sound recordings.
Fixed Fields Type: j for musical sound recordings Comp: Composition, based on LC subject headings, applies to whole work co = concertos hy = hymns jz = jazz mc = musical revues mp = film music op = operas rc = rock pp = popular music AccM: Accompanying Material (Add MARC field 300 $e if applicable) blank = noned = text of verbal contents of a sound recording Dtst & Dates (Date 1 matches MARC field 260 subfield c) s = single date of distribution, publication, release, production p = distribution/release/issue and production/recording years differ Date 1 date material available, Date 2 date material made m = multiple dates of publication Date 1 initial year, Date 2 terminal year r = reprint/reissue date in the same or different medium (reproduced or previously released/published; not for new ed.) Date 1 reprint/reissue date, Date 2 original date Type: jELvl:Srce:Audn:Ctrl:Lang: BLvl: mForm:Comp:AccM:MRec:Ctry: Desc: aFMus: nLTxt:DtSt:Dates:
Sound Recording 007 Subfields $a Category s = sound recordings $b Specific material designation s = sound cassetted = sound disc $d Speed l = 1 7/8 ips f = CD 1.4m/s $e Playback configurationm = mono s = stereo u = unknown $f Grove width (optional) n = no grooves $g Dimensionsj = 3 7/8 x 2 ½ in.g = 4 ¾ in. $h Tape widthl = 1/8 in. (standard)n = n. a. $i Tape configurationc = 4 tracksn = n. a. $m Playback characteristics (opt.)c = Dolby-B encoded e = digital $n Capture/storage techniquese = analog d = digital Standard cassette 007 $a s $b s $d l $e _ $f n $g j $h l $i c $n e Standard CD 007 $a s $b d $d f $e _ $f n $g g $h n $i n $m e $n d /00 /01 /03 /04 /05 /06 /07 /08 /12 /13
Example: Fixed Fields 007 s ‡b d ‡d f ‡e s ‡f n ‡g g ‡h n ‡i n ‡m e ‡n d ℗ 1990
Area 1: Title and Statement of Responsibility MARC Field: 245 __ Title proper h [GMD] : b other title information / c statement of responsibility ; subsequent statement of responsibility. Title is on the chief source of information :
Area 1: Title and Statement of Responsibility (continued) Title is not on the chief source, but is on prescribed source (a source note is required):
Area 1 (continued) : General Material Designation (GMD) The GMD for all formats (CD, read-along CD, LP, or sound cassettes, etc.) is “sound recording”. Give immediately following the title proper and enclose in square brackets. Record in subfield h.
Area 1 (continued): Parallel Titles Transcribe parallel titles in the order found in the chief source of information (AACR2 6.1D.):
Area 1 (continued): Statement of Responsibility Record names of persons or bodies credited with a major role in creating the intellectual content of the sound recording (composers of performed music, collectors of field material, producers having artistic and/or intellectual responsibility), if they appear prominently in the chief source, accompanying textual materials, or container of the item (AACR 2 6.1F1).
Area 1 (continued): Performers Performers of popular, rock and jazz music, who do more than perform or interpret a piece of music (e.g., who also compose or arrange it) are recorded in the statement of responsibility. Performers of classical music are usually given in the note area.
Area 2: Edition Statement MARC Field: 250 __ Edition statement / b statement of responsibility relating to the edition. Edition statement: Record the edition statement according to Rule 6.2B and 1.2B.
Area 4: Publication, Distribution, Etc. MARC Field: 260 __ Place of publication : b Name of publisher, c Date of publication (AACR 6.4 and 1.4) Place of publication, distribution, etc: –If the place of publication is not indicated, supply it in square brackets, adding a question mark to indicate uncertainty. –If the actual place of publication is unknown, the country of publication can be supplied in square brackets. –If probable country cannot be given, use the abbreviation [S.l.] (sine loco).
Area 4: Publication, Distribution, Etc. (continued) Name of publisher and distributor (AACR2 6.4D) –If the publisher’s name on the item label is different from that on the container, prefer the information on the item label. –If a company’s name and its subdivision, trade name, or brand name are given, record the name of the smaller unit per AACR2 6.4D2. Example: on disc label: Electra Entertainment Group, A division of Warner Communications, Inc. cataloging record: 260 Beverly Hills, CA : $b Elektra Entertainment Group, $c p1996. Date of publication: Dates preceded by “c” are copyright dates of the textual material. Dates preceded by “p” are the copyright dates of sound data. Current practice is to use “p” dates as the date of publication. LCRI on 6.4F1 allows using the “c” dates to estimate the “p” date if the latter is not available.
Area 5: Physical Description MARC Field: 300 __ Number of special material designation (total playing time) : b other details ; c dimension + e accompanying material. In the example above, the cataloger transcribed the type and number of items, the type of recording, the number of sound channel, and the dimensions of the item. The next example shows a sound recording with accompanying materials, description of which is recorded on sub field e. Its location and any other substantial details are recorded in 5XX note.
Area 6: Series Series statement can be taken from: 1. chief source of information 2. accompanying textual material 3. container (in that order of preference.) Apply general rule AACR1.6 for series statements. Use MARC fields 490 and 8xx.
Area 7: Notes Fields Notes for sound recordings are usually quite extensive. They serve two purposes: –They provide additional information about a work that cannot be recorded elsewhere in the record. –They justify the provision of additional access points. Notes are to be recorded in the order specified in AACR2 6.7B.
Notes Fields (continued) Notes that are commonly provided for music sound recordings (listed in the order prescribed by AACR2): 500 Nature/Form/Medium 546 Language 500 Source of title proper (required if title proper is taken from other than the chief source of information) 246, 500 Variations in title 511 Performers 508 Production credits 518 Edition and history of recording 500 Physical description 500 Location of accompanying material 505 Contents For a complete list, see AACR2 6.7.
Variant Titles (AACR2 6.7B4) Note any title appearing on the item that differs significantly from the title proper. –Field 246 is used if title applies to the whole item, e.g. Portion of title Subtitle Parallel title Title on the container –Field 500 is used if title applies to part of the item.
Edition and History of Recording (AACR2 Rule 6.7B7) Record information about earlier editions or history of the item being cataloged in MARC field 518. Facts that often included are date, time, and place of recording or broadcast.
Contents Notes (AACR2 6.7B18) Contents notes are very important for musical sound recordings, most of which are collections. They often provide the only means of access to individual works contained on a recording. Contents notes may include information about: –Titles of individual works –Composers –Duration of each titled work –Performers (if not included in MARC field 511) –Medium of performance
Contents Notes (continued) The Contents Notes can be “ basic ” or “ enhanced. ” A blank 2nd indicator indicates a basic level, and 0 indicates an enhanced level. If there is a basic level of content, there will only be one subfield a in a bibliographic record. In enhanced notes, numerous subfields may appear, all of which are repeatable: –$t - Title –$g - Miscellaneous information (page numbering, part, timing, volume or other extent information such as dates.) –$r - Statement of responsibility
Area 8: Numbering not commonly found for musical sound recordings MARC fieldDescription 020 ISBN (10 or 13-digit number) 022 ISSN (8 digit number) 024 Other Standard Identifier (often found near barcodes) _ $a UPC:12 digits _ $a International Article Number (EAN): 13 digits _$a Publisher stock number $b source (label name) (AACR2 6.7B19) _ ‡b Geffen [S.l.] : ‡b Geffen, ‡c p1990.
Choice of Access Points: One Work AACR A1 : –Enter recording of one work under heading for that work – Make a dded entries for principal performers if three or fewer, or for the one named first, if more than three.
Choice of Access Points: Two or More Works by Same Person 100 1_ Beethoven, Ludwig van, $d Sonatas, $m violin, piano Sonata no.9 in A major for violin and piano, op. 47 $h [sound recording] : $b kreutzer ; Sonata no. 5 in F major for violin and piano, op. 24 : spring / $c Beethoven _ $i Title on container: $a Violin sonatas 511 0_ Josef Suk, violin; Jan Panenka, piano _ Suk, Josef _ Panenka, Jan Beethoven, Ludwig van, $d $t Sonatas, $m violin, piano, $n no. 9, op. 47, $r A major Beethoven, Ludwig van, $d $t Sonatas, $m violin, piano, $n no. 5, op. 24, $r F major. title, medium of performance, numerical identifier, key AACR B1: - Enter recording of two or more works by the same person(s) or body/bodies under heading for those works - Make added entries for principal performers if three or fewer, or for the one named first, if more than three.
Choice of Access Points (continued): Collections with Collective Title AACR C1: –If there is one principal performer, enter under that person or body –If there are two or three principal performers, enter under first named –If there are four or more principal performers, enter under title –If there is no principal performer, enter under title
Choice of Access Points (continued): Collections without Collective Title AACR D1 Works where participation of performer not go beyond performance, execution, interpretation (classical music) –Enter under heading for first work, with added entries for remaining works –Added entries for principal performers Works where participation of performer goes beyond performance, execution, interpretation (popular music, rock, jazz) –Enter under principal performer
Determining Main Entry Does the sound recording contain only 1 work? Enter under heading for work; Added entries for principal performers or for 1 st performer only if more than 3. Enter under heading for work; Added entries for principal performers or for 1 st performer only if more than 3. Are all works by the same person(s) or corporate body (bodies)? Yes No Yes No Enter under a common heading; added entries for principal performers if 3 or fewer or for 1 st performer if more than 3 Enter under a common heading; added entries for principal performers if 3 or fewer or for 1 st performer if more than 3 Is there a collective title? How many principal performers? Enter under heading for 1 st work; add entries for principal performers or for 1 st performer if more than 3 No Do the principal performers go beyond performance, execution or interpretation? No Yes Enter under that performer Enter under 1st performer; Make added entries for others. Enter under 1st performer; Make added entries for others. Enter under title Enter under heading for 1 st work named How many principal performers? or 3 0, 4 or more 4 or more
Subject Access: LC Headings (MARC Field 650) For vocal music, assign headings for: –Form (Chants; Operas; Oratorios; Requiems) –Voice range (High voice; Men’s voices) –Number of parts –Accompanying medium (Piano) For instrumental music, assign headings for: –Musical form (e.g. Sonatas; Suites) If more than 1 form, assign headings for each 650 _0 Concertos (Violoncello with string orchestra). 650 _0 Concertos (Bassoon, violoncello with string orchestra). –Medium of performance (e.g. Flute music; Piano music) –Performing group (e.g. Orchestra music; Quintets) Also: phrase heading pattern “Medium or form, Arranged” (e.g. Piano music, Arranged)
Special Formats MP3 245 GMD = [electronic resource] 300 $a reflects characteristics : $b digital, MP3 file ; $c reflects characteristics Enhanced CD 245 GMD = [sound recording] 500 Enhanced CD. 538 System requirements for CD-ROM multimedia presentation:. Shaped disc 245 GMD = [sound recording] 300 $a 1 sound disc ; $b digital : $c 4 ¾ in. 500 Compact disc in a shape of. SACDs 245 GMD = [sound recording] 300 $a 1 sound disc ; $b digital, SACD ; $c 4 ¾ in. 500 Super audio compact disc.
Summary Areas that require special attention when cataloging music sound recordings: Title and statement of responsibility Publishers of sound recordings tend to vary in their presentation of information on the item and its label, which are designated the chief source of information by AACR2R. There is a difference between classical and popular music in how performers are recorded. Physical Description Special formats (enhanced CDs, shaped CDs, etc.) may present additional challenges. Notes Notes play a very important role, because of the information they can convey to the user, which would not otherwise appear in the bibliographic record Access Points Decision on access points can present additional challenges because of the number of people involved in the creation of a sound recording.
References Library of Congress. (2009). Anglo-American cataloguing rules (2nd ed., 2002 revision with 2005 update). Retrieved November 11, 2009, from Hsieh-Yee, I. (2006). Organizing audiovisual and electronic resources for access : a cataloging guide (2 nd ed.). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. Library of Congress. (2002). Library of Congress rule interpretations. Retrieved November 11, 2009, from OCLC. (2009). Bibliographic formats and standards (4th ed.). Retrieved November 11, 2009, from Olson, N. B. (2008). Cataloging of audiovisual materials and other special materials: a manual based on AACR2 and MARC21 (5 th ed.). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited. Scharff, M. (2008, September). Basic Sound Recordings Cataloging Workshop [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved November 24, 2009, from Simpkins, T. (2001). Cataloging Popular Music Recordings. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 31(2), 1-35.