Duncanson Dock News Dear Parents, This has been another fabulous week of learning. Our amazing class continues to get compliments for our marble jar. When we get 25 compliments, we will have a class party. We already have 17! As the weather is getting colder, please send your child to school everyday with a coat/sweatshirt. The weather can change quickly. It may be a sunny morning and then be very cloudy and cold when the children go outside for recess. It is much more fun to play outside, if you are dressed for the weather. Thank you ! Reminders Oct 9- No School- Staff Development Oct. 12-No School- Columbus Day Oct. 16- Wear Favorite Sports Team Shirt Oct Scholastic Book Fair- There will be a book fair set up in the main foyer of the school. There will be designated times you may come and shop for books. Oct. 23- Parent Visitation Day: 8:15-9- Book fair- At this time, you may shop for books. 9: Join us in the classroom to see all of the great things your child is doing Oct. 29- Pumpkin Day- wear orange Oct. 30- Halloween Parade at 2:30- All family members are welcome to watch the parade. Fayetteville Fire Department We had a wonderful visit from the Fayetteville Fire Department. They taught us what to do if there was a fire in our house. We learned about Stop, Drop and Roll. We also learned that even though firemen may look scary in their uniforms; they are nice people who are trying to keep us safe.
Scholastic Book Order A HUGE thank you to those people who ordered books for the September Scholastic Book Order. When you order books for your child, our class earns points for free books. I was able to buy many books for our listening center. Thank you!! S Writing Workshop Our authors have been writing about things they know a lot about. We have learned that we first think of our idea, draw our picture, then write any letter sounds or words. Things to Practice: Here are a few things that your child can practice at home: Writing their name- starting with an upper case and all of the other letters are lower case. Letter work- Saying the letter names, sounds. Playing letter games. In the handbook I sent home on visitation night there were many ideas of what to do with magnetic letters. Zipping, snapping, buttoning shirts and coats Saying the days of the week Printing their numbers Math We are continuing to count different objects and represent our answer with pictures. We are learning to make predictions about objects in a jar. We also are developing effective counting strategies. Next week, we will work on a number book. We will practice writing our numbers Reading This week we learned about rhyming. We learned that words that end the same rhyme. Next week, we will read our next nursery rhyme: Jack Be Nimble and we will do many activities involving this nursery rhyme. We also will continue to work on letter identification, letter sounds and discrimination between letters. Little Books I have sent home a few little books. These are books that we have read in class during the week and they often will have the popcorn words that we are practicing for the week. This week our Popcorn words were: I,and can. We often will highlight the popcorn words. We are learning to use the pictures to read the book. We eventually will learn to point to the words on the page. Please keep these books in a special place so that your child can continue to read them. Rereading books helps to develop your child’s reading fluency and confidence. Read the books with your child, if he/she cannot read them on his/her own. Thank you!