1. Introduce our stakeholders & learn about our stakeholder groups. 5mins 2. Discuss opportunities the Amsterdam community are working towards. 5 mins 3. Look at examples of stakeholder engagement – such as – Freespace. 5mins 4. Break out into group of 3 -5 and create a pitch to our stakeholder groups. 10. mins 5. Present our pitches (2-3 mins per group) and crowd source feedback on stakeholder engagement ! 20 minutes 6. Create the Play Book – our gift to each other after the conference. 5 mins TODAY WE WILL:
Gov’t Education Authorities FoundationsIndustries
Gov’t Mayors Workforce dev Tourism boards Economic Councils Police Chamber of commerce Foundations Incubators Edu K-12 University Private schools Libraries Industry Corps – ex. Landlords, The Media Start-ups
[ freespace ]
Imagine that you are working to build out a dedicated community space in your city. This could be a non-profit or a for profit cultural center (please specify which type and why) 1)Map out the needs and wants of your stakeholder, and how they relate to the other stakeholders in your community. 1)Determine what they can provide to the community in return. 2)Craft a short pitch for the stakeholder to be involved in your initiative. BRAINSTORM A 3 MIN PITCH
THE PLAY BOOK Please gift me your pitch:
1. Make a list of where you want to be seen Ex. local papers, arts and culture columns, tech publications 2. Call the RIGHT contact at each publication. Ex. Look for other groups who have done similar things and keep track of who wrote about them, how it was positioned and where it was published. 3. Use the Media as a RESOURCE and start a relationship with them. They will give you feedback on how to pivot, timing for your launch ( everything is timing) and if there are similar groups out there ( competitors) that have already done similar things. Moreover, this will put you in a good position to call them again in the future, especially if you ask, “ what kind of things are of interest to you” this allows for a two-way mutually beneficial relationship. EX. Call before you have launched and pitch them (without giving them enough info to publish) and ask if it WOULD or WOULD NOT be of interest to them and apply that knowledge. THE MEDIA: How can we maximize what we are doing by engaging with the media?