January 22, 2010 Background Checking: Post-hire Background Checks
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Post-hire Background Checks 2
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Does your organization conduct post-hire credit and/or criminal background checks of employees who are currently working at your organization? 3 Note: n = 296. Not sure” responses were excluded from this analysis.
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Under what circumstances does your organization conduct post-hire credit and/or criminal background checks on employees? 4 Note: n = 72. Percentages do not total to 100% as respondents were allowed multiple choices. Only respondents whose organization perform post-hire background check were included in the analysis.
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 When did your organization start conducting post-hire credit and/or criminal background checks of employees? 5 Note: n = 55. ”Don’t know” responses were excluded from this analysis.
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Industry Industry Health care, social assistance (e.g., nursing homes, EAP providers)18% Services—professional, scientific, technical, legal, engineering12% Manufacturing—other11% Educational services/education8% Government/public administration—federal, state/local, tribal5% Financial services (e.g., banking)5% Transportation, warehousing (e.g., distribution)5% Insurance5% Retail/wholesale trade4% Construction, mining, oil and gas3% Other services (e.g., nonprofit, church/religious organizations)3% High-tech3% 6 Note: n=312. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Industry (continued) Industry Telecommunications3% Utilities3% Services—accommodation, food and drinking places2% Publishing, broadcasting, other media2% Arts, entertainment, recreation2% Consulting1% Manufacturing—auto/auto-related1% Real estate, rental, leasing1% Association—professional/trade1% Pharmaceutical1% Other1% 7 Note: n=312. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding.
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Sector 8 Note: n = 319. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Staff Size 9 Note: n = 312. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Region 10 Note: n = 312. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Demographics: Organization Operations Location 11 Note: n = 315. Percentages may not total 100% due to rounding
Background Checking | ©SHRM 2010 Background Checking Response rate = 19% Sample comprised of 433 randomly selected HR professionals from SHRM’s membership Margin of error is +/- 5 Survey fielded November 18 – December 4, Methodology