Alliteration Repetition of Initial Consonant Sounds
Alliteration Like rhyme, alliteration is a great help to memory Sink or swim Live and learn The more the merrier
Tongue Twisters! Tongue twisters are a perfect example of alliteration Angela Abigail Applewhite ate anchovies and artichokes. Bertha Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles. Clever Clifford Cutter clumsily closed the closet clasps. Dwayne Dwiddle drew a drawing of dreaded Dracula. Elmer Elwood eluded eleven elderly elephants. Floyd Flingle flipped flat flapjacks. Greta Gruber grabbed a group of green grapes. Hattie Henderson hated happy healthy hippos. Ida Ivy identified the ivory iris. Julie Jackson juggled the juicy, jiggly jello. Karl Kessler kept the ketchup in the kitchen.
More tongue twisters! Lila Ledbetter lugged a lot of little lemons. Milton Mallard mailed a mangled mango. Norris Newton never needed new noodles. Patsy planter plucked plump, purple, plastic plums. Quinella Quist quite quickly quelled the quarrelling quartet. Randy Rathbone wrapped a rather rare red rabbit. Shelly Sherman shivered in a sheer, short, shirt. Trina Tweety tripped two twittering twins under a twiggy tree. Uri Udall usually used his unique, unusual unicycle. Vicky Vinc viewed a very valuable vase. Walter Whipple warily warned the weary warrior. Xerxes Xenon expected to xerox extra x-rays. Yolana Yvonne Yarger yodelled up yonder yesterday. Zigmund Zane zig-zagged through the zany zoo zone.
Expanding Tongue Twisters Choose 2 of the tongue twisters on the previous slides, and expand them. Add at least 3 more words. Think: Adjectives, new phrases, expanded description Example: Angela Abigail Applewhite awakened abruptly at her aunt’s apartment and ate acidic anchovies and artichokes.
Writing Your Own Tongue Twister Recreate the table below on a piece of looseleaf: NounsNamesVerbsAdjectives
Writing Your Own Tongue Twister Choose a letter of the alphabet, and make a list of at least 3 words in each category that begin with that letter. NounsNamesVerbsAdjectives Bubbles Brother Ball Bus Books Blake Bob Bonnie Belle Bounce Burst Bobble Broken Blue Big Boring Bumpy Bright
Writing Your Own Tongue Twister Use your lists of nouns, names, verbs, and adjectives to create your own tongue twister. Use at least 5 words starting with the same letter in your tongue twister. Example: Blake and Bonnie bounced the bright blue ball on the bumpy bus.
Writing Your Own Tongue Twister Write at least 3 tongue twisters of your own. For each tongue twister you write you must: Include a table of nouns, names, verbs, and adjectives. Include at least 5 words beginning with your chosen letter. Create a final copy on white paper, and illustrate it.