Study Hall: Work on homework, read a book, do something silently. There is no talking. No exceptions.
Warm-Up No talking. No questions. Take out a sheet of paper (not in notebook) Explain how you do an experiment? What are the steps you would need to take? Explain as best you can.
Classroom News The Diagnostic Test. Those who missed it on Thursday, I will hand to you for you to complete at home with no help. Due Thursday. Any forms still not handed in. I’m handing out personal notes. New procedure! Notebooks in crates & handed out.
Class Supplies: DUE TODAY Classroom Supplies : 4 Composition notebooks (1 for each quarter) Pencils Individual pencil sharpener A pair of scissors Glue sticks
Interactive Notebook What is an interactive science notebook? Any ideas…..? Video link Interactive Science Notebook Setup
Interactive Notebook Today we are starting our interactive notebook set – up Please pay close attention Your notebook will be graded each Friday for the following: Organization Information Neatness
Interactive Notebook Organization Every title is correct with the page # written in the corner. The table of contents is up to date. (10 points) Most titles are correct with a page number. Table of contents is almost up to date. (5 points) Titles are not neat and the page numbers do not correctly correspond to the table of contents. Table of contents is not up to date. (0 points) Information ALL teacher notes are on the left side and ALL student notes are on the right side. (10 points) Most teacher notes are on the left side and most student work is on the right side. (5 points) Information is not organized as directed by the teacher. Many assignments are missing. (0 points) NeatnessThis interactive notebook is easy to navigate with everything clearly written. (10 points) This interactive notebook is challenging to navigate. (5 points) Cannot navigate this interactive notebook. (0 points) Interactive Notebook Rubric Your notebook is worth 30 points each week. It is your responsibility to make sure your notebook is organized according to what I have told you. It needs to have all of the correct information in the correct place. And the notebook needs to be easy for me to navigate.
Interactive Notebook On outside Cover Your Full Name Block # ___ Science Mr. Canosa This is the front view of your notebook Please make sure your notebook has the following information on the cover :
Interactive Notebook Now, open up your notebook
Interactive Notebook On the Inside Cover: Interactive Notebook rubric This will be given out tomorrow for you to glue inside the front cover (left side) On the right side will be a place to draw your cover.
Interactive Notebooks Now write “TABLE OF CONTENTS” on the top of the second page in your notebook on the right side.
Interactive Notebook it should look like this This inside cover will remain blank today Table of Contents of Contents
Interactive Notebooks Turn the Table of Contents page over and count four more pages. After counting, now write 1 on the upper LEFT side of your notebook, outside the margin1
Interactive Notebooks On this same page with “1” on it, you will write “Scientific Process” and write the date: 9/3/13 11 Scientific Process 9/3/2013 (left side) ( (right side)
Interactive Notebooks Now, go back to the table of contents and write on the FIRST line: 1. Scientific Process
Interactive Notebook it should look like this This side will be blank today Table of Contents of Contents S1. Scientific Process
Quick Overview of Notebooks Very Important: Teacher notes will be on the LEFT side of the notebook. Teacher Notes = Lecture notes; this is the information I tell you to copy into your notebook Maybe it will take you three pages to write your notes but DO NOT add numbers at the top of pages until I tell you to.
Quick Overview of Notebooks Very Important: Student work will be on the RIGHT side of the notebook = station work, student input The next entry we do, will be TOMORROW when we do our stations. Each station will start a new page number AND will be added to the table of contents.
Interactive Notebooks We write the important information you in our notebooks when instructed. These notes are what will help you complete the activities on Wednesday and Thursday. If you finish early, sit quietly or read a book. DO NOT draw on your notebooks. Remember, I grade them every FRIDAY and I will pass out a grading rubric tomorrow.
Our First Official Entry! Here it comes!
Scientific Process Video s/science/scientific- inquiry/scientific- methods.htm s/science/scientific- inquiry/scientific- methods.htm
Students you will write this on page 1 under the heading ‘Scientific Process’ Scientific Method Steps and Definitions: – Purpose: State the problem – Research: find out about the topic – Hypothesis: predict the outcome to the problem.
Continue writing notes on the left side – Experiment: develop a procedure to test the hypothesis – Analysis: record the results of the experiment – Conclusion: compare the hypothesis to the experiment’s conclusion.
Let’s Check for Learning Watch this Wright brothers video using the scientific method. What was the purpose? What research was done? What was their hypothesis? What experiments did they do? What analysis was done? What was their conclusion?
Continue writing notes on the left side : Paper Airplanes Write “Paper Airplanes Experiment” and underline it. The next slide has a lot of information….. You will only be taking notes today, so write all notes thoroughly and completely to help you complete our activities on Wednesday and Thursday
Purpose: How can I make a paper airplane fly farther. Research: I know that paper airplanes fly better when: they have wing flaps; I use tape; and they have some kind of “nose.” Hypothesis: I think that airplanes with pointed noses will fly farther than ones with square noses Experiment: 1)Make 2 paper airplanes (one square nose, one pointed) 2)Throw each plane 10 times. 3)Measure the distance 4)Make a graph. Analysis: My graph shows that the plane with the square nose went farther than the pointed nose one. Conclusion: My hypothesis was wrong. I though that the pointed-nose airplane would go farther, but actually, the square-nose one went further.
Continue writing notes on the left side Observations Any information collected with the senses. – Sight – Smell – Taste – Touch – Hearing Observations Definition: using senses to gather information Observations can be…..
Continue writing notes on the left side Quantitative Measureable or countable » 3 meters long » 4 marbles » 50 kilograms » 35 degrees Celsius measuring, or measured by the quantity of something (a length, the number of marbles, a weight, a temperature) QuaNtitative: N = Numbers
Quantitative Activity Think of something quantitative. Turn and Share with a neighbor. Now draw a picture of something quantitative on the right side of your interactive notebook and label your picture: Quantitative example. For example: the flower has 5 petals
Qualitative Observations Describable, not measureable » purple flowers » smells like fresh baked cookies » Tastes bitter » red sunset Definition: describes something that can be observed but not measured.
Qualitative Activity Now think back to the picture you drew, describe your picture with a qualitative statement For example: blue flowers
Inference Conclusions or deductions based on observations. Educated guess. observation + observation inference Remember, how do we observe? Observations can be _________ & _________..... These lead to inferences…… Now it’s your turn……
Inference Practice: Observations: I hear people screaming I smell popcorn and cotton candy Hamburgers cost $5.00 each I see a lot of people in line Inference = ? Now, turn and talk with your partner
More Practice The Case of the Mystery Footprints
Look at these two sets of animal tracks. List 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE
Now what do you think? Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE
Now what do you think? Make 3 OBSERVATIONS Make an INFERENCE
BrainPOP—Scientific Method uiry/scientificmethod/