LIBRARY STANDARDS TO DESCRIBE AND MANAGE CONTENT MARC 21 MARC 21 Dublin Core Dublin Core FGDC FGDC Z39.50 Z39.50 Library of Congress Subject Headings Library of Congress Subject Headings
VIRTUAL LIBRARIES MARINE PROTECTED AREAS (MPAs) MARINE PROTECTED AREAS (MPAs) CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) CoRIS (Coral Reef Information System) RESTORATION RESTORATION NOAA Photo Library NOAA Photo Library Video Library (in process) Video Library (in process)
MPA LIBRARY BACKGROUND Executive Order #13158 on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Executive Order #13158 on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Specific Mandate for a National MPA Web site ( ) Specific Mandate for a National MPA Web site ( ) MPA Inventory and List MPA Inventory and List Mission of the MPA Library Mission of the MPA Library
MPA PARTICIPANTS NOAA Central Library Staff NOAA Central Library Staff Coastal Services Center Library staff Coastal Services Center Library staff NOS Special Projects Office/Communication and Educ. staff NOS Special Projects Office/Communication and Educ. staff National Marine Protected Areas Center and affiliated Institutes National Marine Protected Areas Center and affiliated Institutes
MPA LIBRARY’S COLLECTIONS Notable Additions Notable Additions Bibliography Bibliography Institutions and Organizations Institutions and Organizations Web sites Web sites Conferences and Workshops Conferences and Workshops
MPA COLLECTION CRITERIA Intended Users Intended Users Subject content Subject content Timeliness Timeliness Authority Authority Accuracy Accuracy Maintenance Maintenance
MPA LIBRARY SEARCH Procite Database Exported to File Maker Pro Procite Database Exported to File Maker Pro Lasso – Web Database Publishing Lasso – Web Database Publishing Many Abstracts and Keywords from ASFA and LCSH Many Abstracts and Keywords from ASFA and LCSH Full-Text Resources Full-Text Resources
CoRIS Coral Reef Data and Information System
CoRIS General Principles One stop shopping One stop shopping Rich content, best of NOAA’s culture Rich content, best of NOAA’s culture Final data, clear audit for operational data Final data, clear audit for operational data Candid and realistic Candid and realistic NOAA site NOAA site Complement, not replace, existing NOAA site Complement, not replace, existing NOAA site Factual Factual
GOALS of CoRIS Develop single point of discovery for NOAA data and information of direct relevance to the management and preservation of the nation’s coral reefs Develop single point of discovery for NOAA data and information of direct relevance to the management and preservation of the nation’s coral reefs Make NOAA the “One place to go for coral reef data and information” Make NOAA the “One place to go for coral reef data and information” Provide “One Stop Shopping” for external and internal users Provide “One Stop Shopping” for external and internal users NOAA support For U.S. Coral Reef Task Force National Action Plan NOAA support For U.S. Coral Reef Task Force National Action Plan Archive and preserve NOAA’s Coral Reef Data and Information. Archive and preserve NOAA’s Coral Reef Data and Information.
CoRIS LIBRARY Notable Additions Notable Additions NOAA Coral Reef Web Sites NOAA Coral Reef Web Sites Other Coral Reef Web Sites Other Coral Reef Web Sites Publications Publications Virtual Library Search Virtual Library Search
CoRIS METADATA Important for data search and discovery mechanism Important for data search and discovery mechanism Important for longevity of project and effective, long-term use of the data being served Important for longevity of project and effective, long-term use of the data being served Library relies on existing MARC metadata standards Library relies on existing MARC metadata standards
CoRIS Discover NOAA’s Data Another access to library metadata records Another access to library metadata records Links to data products and publications in the NOAA Library catalog Links to data products and publications in the NOAA Library catalog Search by title, author, keywords, taxonomic names and more Search by title, author, keywords, taxonomic names and more Powered by Blue Angel software Powered by Blue Angel software
CoRIS Z39.50 Compatibility Parallel search strategy to simultaneously search NOAA Library documents in MARC/Dublin Core format as well as FGDC metadata within CoRIS Parallel search strategy to simultaneously search NOAA Library documents in MARC/Dublin Core format as well as FGDC metadata within CoRIS Avoid redundancy and allow users to discover potential data sources and applicable literature within one search Avoid redundancy and allow users to discover potential data sources and applicable literature within one search
RESTORATION PORTAL Collaborative effort Collaborative effort NOS Special Projects Office NOS Special Projects Office NMFS Restoration Center NMFS Restoration Center NOAA Central Library NOAA Central Library Begun Spring 2003 Begun Spring 2003 NOAA Centered NOAA Centered
Restoration Objectives Single point entry to NOAA restoration documents Single point entry to NOAA restoration documents Database is the NOAA Library Catalog Database is the NOAA Library Catalog Links to on-line documents, publications, case studies web sites, photos, video Links to on-line documents, publications, case studies web sites, photos, video
FOUR MAJOR THEMES Collaborating with communities Collaborating with communities Restoring Injured Habitats Restoring Injured Habitats Advancing Restoration Science Advancing Restoration Science Estuary Restoration Act Estuary Restoration Act
FOUR COLLECTIONS IN EACH THEME AREA Publications Publications Web Sites Web Sites Audiovisual Materials Audiovisual Materials Case Studies Case Studies
Publications Results Page
Customized Library Catalog Search Interface
SUPPORT NOAA Provide access to subject-specific information to support NOAA Matrix programs Provide access to subject-specific information to support NOAA Matrix programs Cross cut between line offices Cross cut between line offices Support NOAA strategic plan for information Support NOAA strategic plan for information
NOAA Photo Library 20 Collections including The Coral Kingdom and NOAA Restoration Center 20 Collections including The Coral Kingdom and NOAA Restoration Center 30,000+ photos 30,000+ photos Search conducted with ht:/Dig Search conducted with ht:/Dig Collaboration between NOAA Central Library and HPCC Collaboration between NOAA Central Library and HPCC
Video Data Management System (VDMS) Part of overall Data Management System for the Office of Ocean Exploration Part of overall Data Management System for the Office of Ocean Exploration Pilot project started in 2003 Pilot project started in 2003 Over Over Plans to include video in Virtual Library collections Plans to include video in Virtual Library collections Metadata field added to library catalog record Metadata field added to library catalog record V
MATRIX PROGRAMS SUPPORT MPA Library MPA Library CoRIS Library CoRIS Library Ocean Exploration Library/History Ocean Exploration Library/History Restoration Library Restoration Library Aquaculture Information Center Aquaculture Information Center Dry Tortugas Literature Dry Tortugas Literature CLEO-Coral Literature & Education/Outreach CLEO-Coral Literature & Education/Outreach Protected Areas Protected Areas Coral Reefs Coral Reefs Undersea Research & Ocean Exploration Undersea Research & Ocean Exploration Habitat Restoration Habitat Restoration Aquaculture Aquaculture Protected Areas Protected Areas Coral Reefs Coral Reefs
LIBRARY MILESTONES Develop controlled vocabularies to support library metadata Develop controlled vocabularies to support library metadata Design capability for cross-searching multiple NOAA and non-NOAA databases Design capability for cross-searching multiple NOAA and non-NOAA databases Provide for continuously updated Provide for continuously updated Virtual Libraries Virtual Libraries Provide metadata for online documents Provide metadata for online documents Provide metadata for all digital videos and images Provide metadata for all digital videos and images
SUPPORT NOAA’S CROSS-CUTTING PRIORITIES OF ENVIRONMENTAL LITERACY, EDUCATION, AND OUTREACH Efficient environmental information Efficient environmental information Educational tool for environmental literacy Educational tool for environmental literacy Ignite spark in future scientists Ignite spark in future scientists Make the delivery of information quick and easy Make the delivery of information quick and easy Organization and archiving of institutional resources Organization and archiving of institutional resources
LOOKING AHEAD Update Knowledge Centers for Matrix Programs Update Knowledge Centers for Matrix Programs Develop controlled vocabulary for matrix managed projects Develop controlled vocabulary for matrix managed projects Create dynamic repository for all NOAA electronic documents Create dynamic repository for all NOAA electronic documents Coordinate with Line Offices/Matrix programs to provide electronic access to meet employee’s needs Coordinate with Line Offices/Matrix programs to provide electronic access to meet employee’s needs