The Global Forest and Landscape Restoration Agenda Introduction and Overview Dennis Garrity, Drylands Ambassador, UNCCD & Senior Fellow, World Resources Institute India's Vision and Programs in Land Restoration R B Sinha, Joint Secretary, Department of Agriculture, Government of India The 20x20 Restoration Initiative in Latin America Fred Stolle, World Resources Institute Upscaling Forest and Landscape Restoration to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality Sven Walter, FAO/GM-UNCCD The Restoration of Pastoral Lands Jonathan Davies, Coordinator, Global Drylands Initiative IUCN Mobilizing Private Sector involvement in Land Degradation Neutrality Peter Bakker, President and CEO, World Business Council for Social Develoment Audience Participation
The Global Forest and Landscape Restoration Agenda: Introduction World Resources InstituteWorld Resources Institute Image: Flickr/USAID Kenya
Trend in non-climate related net primary productivity 1981–2006. Conijn et al New post-2015 Sustainable Development Goal: Zero Net Land Degradation by 2030
THERE IS HOPE 2bn 4 Source: Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration hectares with opportunities for restoration
Image: Flickr/CIFOR; Source: WRI The Bonn Challenge 150m hectares under restoration by 2020 AMBITIOUS TARGETS EXIST New York Declaration 350m 6 hectares under restoration by 2030
Agriculture Forest Degraded or Under- Utilized Land Opportunity to restore hope, security, resilience and sustained prosperity Climate Smart Agriculture Forest Agro-forestry and Silvopasture Landscapes Today Landscapes in 2050 Restore ecosystem services Intensify & sustain productivity Avoid deforestation Restore into mixed systems Restore & sustain productivity 7 Agro-forestry and Silvopasture REVERSING THE PARADIGM OF DEGRADATION
8 COMMITMENTS TO THE BONN CHALLENGE ARE MOUNTING Bonn Challenge Launch (2011) total = 20 million USA: 15 million Rwanda: 2 million Costa Rica: 1 million El Salvador: 1 million PACTO: 1 million UN Climate Summit (Sep 2014) total = 48 million Ethiopia: 15 million DRC: 8 million Uganda: 2.5 million Guatemala: 1.2 million Colombia: 1 million Chile: 100,000 COP20 in Lima (Dec 2014) total = 60 million Mexico: 8.5 million Peru: 3 million Panama: 1 million Ecuador: 500,000 Argentina & Chile: 1 million via Conservacion Patagonica COP21 in Paris (Dec 2015) goal= 100 million?
IT’S BEEN DONE BEFORE… South Korea, 1960 South Korea, 2000 Forest cover from 35% to 64% Forest density increased 14x, population 2x, economy 25x 14
Niger, Pre-1990s Niger, Today 5 million hectares restored into agroforestry Improved food security for million people IT’S BEEN DONE BEFORE…
16 Loess Plateau Before: 1999 IT’S BEEN DONE BEFORE… Loess Plateau After: 2005 ↓ soil erosion on 920,000 hectares 99% ↓ in sediment in water 2.5 million people out of poverty
Raise the profile of restoration among politicians, corporate and civil society leaders, and the media Secure political commitment in the form of pledges, policies and incentives that further restoration Mobilize resources for large-scale implementation of restoration Provide strategic vision and guidance to the partners in the movement THE GLOBAL RESTORATION COUNCIL Vision: Inspire a global restoration movement
GLOBAL RESTORATION COUNCIL Confirmed: Felipe Calderón, former President of Mexico Fernando Cardoso, former President of Brazil Bianca Jagger, Chairperson of the Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation Chuck Leavell, keyboardist for Rolling Stones, award-winning forester, founder of Mother Nature Network Wanjira Mathai, Chairperson of the Green Belt Movement Göran Persson, Co-Chair and former Prime Minister of Sweden Bill Richardson, former Governor of New Mexico and former UN Ambassador In Discussion: Helen Clark, Administrator of UNDP and former Prime Minister of New Zealand Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the Inter- American Development Bank Takehiko Nakao, President of the Asia Development Bank Kanayo F. Nwanze, President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) 23