XLR8 STEM Academy
Lynchburg Regional Governor’s XLR8 STEM Academy opened for classes on August 15 th, 2013 The STEM Academy is a public-private partnership between five(5)local school divisions and local business and industry partners in Region Half-day program housed at Central Virginia Community College Students take classes in Engineering, math and science and can return to their base school to take English, history and elective classes.
NEW STEM Academy Video
Field Trips & Speakers
AREVA-Mill Ridge Training Facility Tour
Junior Year
Junior Year Classes Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW) Principles of Engineering (PLTW) College Algebra & Elementary Statistics College Chemistry for Engineers College Success Skills
Senior Year
Senior Year- Mechatronics Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PLTW) Digital Electronics (PLTW) Precalculus 1/Precalculus 2 Physics 1/Physics 2 Internship
Senior Year-Biotechnology Introduction to Medical Terminology Digital Electronics (PLTW) Precalculus 1/Precalculus 2 Human Anatomy & Physiology 1 & 2 Internship
CYBER Security-NEW for Computer Applications & Networking Cyber security Precalculus 1/Precalculus 2 Physics 1/Physics 2 Internship
Where are they now? Class of 2015 Central VA Community College: 9 Concord College: 1 Emory & Henry: 1 George Mason University: 1 Lynchburg College: 3 Old Dominion University: 4 University of Kentucky: 1 Virginia Military Institute: 2 Virginia Tech: 1
Who should apply? Students who are technically gifted Students who are interested in learning about applied math and science Students interested in Engineering, Mechatronics, Biotechnology and Health Science and cyber security Students who like active /kinesthetic learning Students with a strong work ethic
XLR8 Application Selection Committee Applications are reviewed by the XLR8 STEM Academy selection committee, which includes a representative from each school division as well as representatives from local business and industry. The Selection committee will meet to determine which students will be offered acceptance for the following year. Selection is based upon: quality of application content, attendance, discipline, academic achievement, as well as teacher and counselor recommendations.
XLR8 Website
CVCC Marketing Campaigns
Questions? Susan Cash, Director XLR8 STEM Academy Phone: Website: Facebook: