SE 521 Dr. Lola Taylor Unit one
INTRODUCTION This week's seminar will focus on getting acquainted and understanding the expectations for the course.
NATIONAL SCIENCE EDUCATION STANDARDS Three sets of National Science Education Standards will be explored in this course: Unifying Concepts and Processes Standard, Science as Inquiry Standards, and the Nature of Science. The premise for these standards is that, "Conceptual and procedural schemes unify science disciplines and provide students with powerful ideas to help them understand the natural world." (CSMEE, 1996, p. 104)
UNIFYING CONCEPTS AND PROCESSES What are some of the unifying concepts and processes in science? What do these standards describe? To comprehend these unifying concepts, students must grasp the nature of science.
CONTINUED What three principles underlie standards for the nature of science? Is it normal for scientists to differ with one another about the interpretation of the evidence or theory being considered?
MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS Research Analysis Assignment (90 points) In every course in the M.A. program, you will be required to complete at least one Research Analysis Assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to foster the habit of reading, analyzing, and applying the findings of published reports of research to your teaching and learning. For this course, you will be analyzing the following article, which you will download from the Kaplan Online Library (directions for doing this may be found in the Syllabus): CHECK MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS SECTION ON THE COURSE HOME PAGE
INSTRUCTIONAL PLANS Select a focus for your instructional plan. What is the topic and title of your project? How would you describe it? (To others at your school, or to parents?) Who are the students? Grade level of the students Ability, cultures or other characteristics Unit 1
CONTINUED Standards recommend that: Assessment tasks are authentic. An individual student's performance is similar on two or more tasks that claim to measure the same aspect of student achievement. Students have adequate opportunity to demonstrate their achievements (CSMEE, 1996).
RESEARCH PROJECT The research project is an essay on a topic related to the course that is supported by findings from relevant research literature. The Final Project is developed incrementally throughout the course, and submitted in Unit 6.
CONTINUED The Final Project should include the following elements: Introduction: The Introduction should state the topic and the thesis statement for the essay. The thesis statement tells the reader what the essay will be about, and what point you, the author, will be making. Body: The body of the paper contains the key points of the paper. Main ideas and supporting ideas from your research should be used to describe, explain, support or argue your thesis. A minimum of five peer-reviewed articles or studies should be discussed. Summary and Conclusions: In this section you sum up final points and draw conclusions that provide perspectives on the thesis of the essay.
CONTINUED The Research Project is presented in APA format, with a title page and properly formatted citations and reference list.
CHECK THE GRADING RUBRICS It is important that you look over the grading rubric for each assignment and that includes Discussion Board Please remember to post early so that everyone has a chance to think and comment on the posts. Remember, you must post to two other peers.
COMMENTS/QUESTIONS What do you think?