Teleworking The road to the future?
Teleworking §What is it? §Who can telecommute? §What are the benefits? §Why doesn’t everyone do it?
What is it? Imagine having your office at home. Imagine being able to communicate with your colleagues via fax and . Imagine fitting your working day around your personal schedule.
Who can telecommute? §Office staff who need to be at home to look after family §Workers who live too far away to commute §Anyone with a computer and a modem §Workers in cities with a traffic problem
What are the Benefits? §No waiting around in traffic jams §More time available to do what you want to do §More flexibility for looking after children or other family members §Less pollution in city centres §Less expensive office space needed in city centres
Why doesn’t everyone do it? §Lack of contact with other staff §Lack of security at home - could be burgled §Lack of insurance cover