Nancy Hart Lives in Georgia 6’ tall and can shoot a gun as well as a man Legend has it that: –5 armed loyalists shoot Nancy’s last turkey and order her.


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Presentation transcript:

Nancy Hart Lives in Georgia 6’ tall and can shoot a gun as well as a man Legend has it that: –5 armed loyalists shoot Nancy’s last turkey and order her to cook it for them –While she’s cooking, she steals one of the muskets and kills one man and wounds another

Savannah and Charles Town Reasoning: Do not have enough troops to occupy and control captured cities Loyalists will help control territories they may capture in the South Southern slaves will be willing to fight for their freedom The Southerners are Loyalists! We should move the war to the South!

Savannah and Charles Town Other Reasoning Southern ports are closer to the West Indies

British capture Port of Savannah Trap American forces in Charles Town –5,000 Defenders Surrender –Southern Army is lost Worse American defeat of the war Savannah and Charles Town Musket ball shattered his ankle at Saratoga Retreats to Charles Town from Savannah Denied honors of war when surrendering Charles Town Exchanged as a prisoner of war Redeems himself at Yorktown Benjamin Lincoln

The Swamp Fox Horatio Gates assigned to form a new Southern army Gains knowledge on South Carolina from the “Swamp Fox” Sends Marion to destroy boats on the Santee River to cut off British communication to Charles Town

Camden Outcomes: 1.End of Gates’ term as head of an army 2.American spirits fall to a new low Frances Marion attacks British troops that are leading American prisoners out of Camden Frees prisoners and using guerilla tactics, cut British supply lines while based in the swamps

The Tide Turns Fought on the border of North and South Carolina Americans surround Loyalist militia and it becomes a slaughter After the British surrender, many are shot or hanged

Nathaniel Greene After Washington removes Gates from command, Greene is put in charge of the Southern Army Pacifism –Greene had been a Quaker, but cast out because he wanted to fight the British Strategy: Avoid large scale battles Wear out the British Inflict heavy losses British opposition to the war is growing and some of the British leaders are starting to think American Independence isn’t such a bad idea after all!!! Battle of Guilford Courthouse British upset about loss at Cowpens Cornwallis chases Greene all the way to Virginia Cornwallis can’t catch them and now his troops are exposed Greene attacks, but Americans eventually have to withdraw British suffer high casualties and Cornwallis’ troops are in tatters

The End of the War By 1781, a majority of the fighting is in Virginia Cornwallis and his troops are based in Yorktown Easy to get supplies from New York

Battle of Yorktown

Benjamin Lincoln!!! Lord North is blamed for losing the war He resigns as Prime Minister before he can be voted out

Fighting moves South and the Americans struggle to win battles In a major turn of events, we are able to turn the war around and take the British at Yorktown Lord North declares the war is over and thus our revolution can officially be called a revolution!!!