Chapter 1 of the ESCM ‘Introduction’ Peter Comisari Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 1
Aim of this session History and purpose of the introductory chapter of ESCM Issues related to the development of this chapter Outcomes of the 2013 virtual meeting Content of Chapter 1 Work required to conclude Chapter 1… 2
History of this Chapter 42 nd session of the UNSC Feb 2011 Requested that clear guidelines on data sources, on the use of administrative data and on best practices applicable to a wider range of countries be considered in the planned Energy Statistics Compilers Manual, to be prepared through sufficient consultation with relevant Member States and institutions. The main activity for the Oslo Group in 2011 will be related to the drafting of chapters of the Energy Statistics Compilers Manual. The Manual is intended to assist energy statistics compilers in the implementation of the IRES, the forthcoming SEEA-Energy and with other uses within the context of national accounts. 3
History of this Chapter From Oslo Group report to London Group in Ottawa 2012: Annotated outline of the ESCM and proposal for organizing the chapters Chapter 1 Conceptual framework The purpose of this chapter is to present the compiler with a brief summary of the conceptual framework for energy statistics established by IRES and to explain the relationship of energy statistics with economic, environment and other relevant statistics in the preparation of energy balances and accounts. This would include the 2008 SNA), the IRIS 2008 the SEEA and SEEA-Energy. 4
History of this Chapter Contributors… Main responsibility – Australia Textual input – Ghana Advice and/or comment– Mexico and the UNSD Thank you to my co-contributors and all who made the effort to comment! 5
Drafting Chapter 1… Chapter purpose and structure largely pre-determined in the ESCM drafting guidelines, however, Title changed to ‘introduction’ Ordering of subsections changed Conceptual framework of SEEA only briefly described (to maintain similar weight to discussion of IRES ‘conceptual framework’) Self-imposed limit of 15 pages… 6
Virtual meeting of OG Very good feedback received on Chapter 1, resulting in… Tighter organization Removal of repetition Emphasis of the multi purpose nature of energy statistics promoted by IRES Correction of technical descriptions 7
Content of Chapter 1 Background Why is energy important? Why do we need energy statistics? Purpose of the ESCM 8
Content of Chapter 1 Conceptual Framework: Scope and boundaries as defined in the IRES Key concepts and definitions Key classifications Links to other frameworks Organization of the ESCM 9
Completing the Chapter Outstanding item for ESCM Chapter 1 is updating the synopsis for each of the ESCM chapters - in total, this involves 8 paragraphs. This task cannot be finalised until the chapters themselves are finalised. I propose each chapter author provide me with a single paragraph describing 'their' chapter, which I can then edit for consistency of style and content… Send content to: 10
Any questions? 11