Clocking System Design Synchronous System Design Current state determines the next state Requires clock 1) FSM (Finite State Machine) inputs outputs C/L current state bits Next state bits CLK Next state as a function of current state & external inputs
Inputs should be stable before latching! 2) Pipelined system inputs C/L C/L outputs CLK No feedback (feedback thru MUX) Inputs should be stable before latching!
Register overhead > latch overhead (tsetup + tclk-q) (td-q) Clocking Overhead Latch Register (or F/F) D D Q Q td-q tsetup tclk-q Register overhead > latch overhead (tsetup + tclk-q) (td-q)
Clock skew tdmax tdmin comes from 1) gated or buffered 2) RC delay with clock wire cycle time gets longer by tskew tcycle=td+tskew -> No setup time violation Malfunction : hold time violation if tskew > tsetup+ tclk-q tdmax R E G R E G Logic Late Early tdmin R E G R E G Early Late
No Clock (Wave Pipelining) - match the logic delay C/L C/L C/L C/L C/L - Multiple outputs of logic blocks come out at the same speed - Constraint at all possible path - used in some memory design
Pulse Mode Clocking tw tc - All loops of logic broken by a single latch - Clock w/narrow pulse L A T C H L A T C H C/L CLK CLK Clock pulse should be shorter than the slowest path of the logic CLK tw tc - Timing Requirements -Used in original Cray Computer (ECL machine)
Pulse Mode Clocking (cont’d) - Advantages: 1) small clocking overhead (one latch delay per clock) 2) high performance - Disadvantages: 1) Double-sided timing constraints If logic is too slow or too fast, the system will fail 2)Pulse width critical hard to maintain narrow pulse thru inverter chain 3) Not recommended for novice designer
Single-Phase Edge Triggered Clocking - Use Registers instead of latches - Popular in ASIC design (Gate arrays & Std Cells) R E G R E G C/L - Timing Contraints - Problem: Delayed clock skew (latch closes after data change) Can’t change the clock Can’t make the circuit work SLOW operation of CLK will not fix this problem Need to redo the chip (Early clock)-> setup time violation (Late clock) -> hold time violation
Avoid clock skew problem Data Flow R E G R E G delay Clock propagation 1) No hold time violation 2) Tc= Tq + Td + Tsetup + Tskew Td < Tc - (Tq + Tsetup + Tskew) smaller margin for logic design Tskew < 0 clock skew constraint is unconditionally met guaranteed operation (No hold time violation) clk-to-q logic delay clk skew
Two-Phase Clocking - Use different edges for latching the data & changing the output C/L
Effectively 1 comes before 2 by t12 . Can make circuit work by increasing t12 & reducing clock frequency Tc increased by t12