Introductory Thoughts We all know at least one Simply put, the murmurer is a chronic faultfinder Negative thinker – Problem seeker Malcontent due to nothing.


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Presentation transcript:

Introductory Thoughts We all know at least one Simply put, the murmurer is a chronic faultfinder Negative thinker – Problem seeker Malcontent due to nothing ever suiting him The world has gone to the dogs and he enjoys complaining about it without offering any solutions

Seriousness of His Sin A look at the best Biblical example Israel in the wilderness Exodus 14:11-12 – Exodus 15:23-24 Exodus 16:2-3 – Exodus 17:2-3 Many other examples could be given Suffice it to say that the constant complaining cost a generation the hope of the promised land Murmuring is condemned in Scripture Galatians 5:19-21

Kinds of Murmurer's Idealistic Murmurer Complains about anything short of perfection Dreams about better days Pessimistic Murmurer Always sees the dark cloud, not the silver lining Ignores the facts Relays how bad everything is Skeptical Murmurer This is a doubter Doubt is due to a lack of faith

Kinds of Murmurer's Cowardly Murmurer One who complains and finds fault because he is afraid to attempt something Lazy Murmurer Finds the negatives of a situation because he does not want to do the work It is rare for one to criticize that in which he is actively involved Negligent Murmurer Complains to divert attention away from his weakness Doubt is due to a lack of faith

Kinds of Murmurer's Negligent Murmurer Complains to divert attention away from his weakness Envious Murmurer Jealousy and envy prompts all sorts of faultfinding Egotistical Murmurer Arrogant and self righteous Finds fault in others because he thinks he has no faults

Kinds of Murmurer's Never Satisfied Murmurer A habitually discontent person who rarely finds anything suitable Ungrateful Murmurer One who is deeply rooted in an unthankful state At some point in time we all probably fall into one of these categories Our goal should be to get out as quick as possible

The Menace of the Murmurer The chronic murmurer is dangerous for two reasons He is discouraging It sends a message of nothing will ever succeed He is debilitating It cripples the positive efforts that are being attempted

A Simple Solution to the Problem When tempted to be a fault finder, ask these questions Is the situation as bad as it seems? Can anything positive be done to improve the situation? Am I willing and able to do something to help, besides talk? Am I going to be part of the solution or continue to be part of the problem?

Concluding Thoughts A sincere expression of dissatisfaction is different than destructive murmuring Differs in the fact that murmuring is what takes place behind the scenes, not in a public forum Remember This: No one has ever erected a memorial to honor a critic Look at these two verses Philippians 2:14 – James 5:9 Satan loves the murmuring, it makes his work much easier