RCM_Intro.PPT Introduction to RCM Analysis Last revised 01/14/2011
RCM_Intro.PPT ASENT RCM Analysis - Introduction ASENT provides a Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) analysis capability as an integral part of the FMECA toolkit. RCM Analysis is invoked from any assembly level menu and is conducted at the Failure Mode level. This presentation will cover important menu options and other high-level information. For more details refer to the RCM tutorial or click on the link below, and select Reliability Centered Maintenance to access a help file in PDF format.
RCM_Intro.PPT RCM Analysis – What is it? Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) is an analytical process used to determine preventive maintenance (PM) requirements and identify the need to take other actions that are warranted to ensure safe and cost effective operations of a system. NAVAIR NAVAIR March 2003 This analysis will allow you to identify failure modes that result in critical end effects and prescribe preventative maintenance tasks, and the intervals or conditions for conducting these maintenance tasks. This influences maintenance costs and manpower requirements for your system, and is a key component which affects overall operating costs. RCM analysis can also highlight areas of the system design where redesign activity can be cost effective and productive, as opposed to an extensive PM task routine.
RCM_Intro.PPT There are several documents that prescribe Reliability Centered Maintenance programs, such as: Mil-Std-2173(AS) – 1986 Mil-Std-1843(USAF) – 1985 NAVAIR – 2003 UK MoD MSG-3 Mil-Std-2173 is the precursor for RCM analysis and all the other documents closely copy the analysis method and decision tree specified in this Navy document, typically with some minor wording changes. ASENT provides the capability to perform RCM analysis using any of the following methods: Mil-Std-2173(AS) – 1986 NAVAIR – 2003 UK MoD MSG-3 ATA MSG-3 ASD S4000M These methods were selected based on the needs of existing customers. Other methods can be easily added. RCM Analysis Methods
RCM_Intro.PPT Prerequisites – Complete the FMECA for the Assy Invoke the FMECA Manager and complete the FMECA down to the assembly of interest. This will assure that all the failure modes are linked to end effects. For more details, refer to the FMECA tutorials.
RCM_Intro.PPT Suggestion – Get a document It is much easier to understand the process when all the terms are defined. Each of the RCM Analysis documents have a section where all the terms are defined. These RCM documents are readily available without cost, and several are available as downloads from the ASENT Web Site.
RCM_Intro.PPT Conclusion This concludes a brief introduction to the RCM Analysis tool. For more details, please refer to the RCM Analysis tutorial for step by step instruction on conducting the analysis.