Folk Art Folk art describes a wide range of objects that reflect the craft traditions and traditional social values of various social groups. These art works from 'common folk' are generally produced by people who have little or no academic artistic training. Folk Artists, or artists termed as “Folk Artists” normally have been working in a particular medium for tens of years and have gained design and compositional skills through natural ability and practice. Their work can seem somewhat childlike, but is rich in color, design and composition and is appreciated for these strengths along with it’s “naïve “ quality.
Traditional Folk Artists: Grandma Moses (The “Queen” of Folk Art) “Let me help”
Grandma Moses “Halloween” “The Quilting Bee”
Bush Prisby
Sarah Rakes Happy Angel Wild Coneflowers
Kacey Carneal
John William (Uncle Jack) Dey Former policeman – started painting at age 43
Latino (shares culture) Carmen Lomas Garza (gouache/oil) work sells $8,000 – 45,000
Harlem Renaissance Archibald J Motley Palmer Hayden “Janitor Who Paints” “Mending Socks”
Agusta Savage
Malvin Gray Johnson
Highway Men Willie Regan Robert Butler
Robert Butler
Mary Ann Carroll
Woodworker, Quilter, Crafter Elijah Peirce (Columbus, Ohio)
Bob Justin “Peirre” “Antoinette”
Outsider Art Will Luck “Cat Mirror”
Mary L Proctor “Girls Choir”