A Contrast of Two Hearts
The Antonym Game Original Words LoveWeird AlwaysMorose GiveComely ShallowImpudent NoisyFamished LargePeruse BeginSate
The Antonym Game Antonyms Answers Love Hate Always Never Give Take/Receive Shallow Deep Noisy Quiet Large Small Begin End Weird Normal Morose Happy Comely Ugly Impudent------Polite Famished-----Full Peruse Write Sate Disappointed
The Antonym Game Tie-Breaker VirileWeak
King Asa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord all his life. His heart was whole
King Amaziah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but NOT wholeheartedly! His heart was divided.
Good vs. Christian Do things out of moral obligation Often do and say the right things Have no real relationship with Jesus In a love relationship with Jesus Do things not because they have to but because they love God and want to please Him. They go the extra mile. They reach out in love.
I love you... with most of my heart!
Many people serve God with only half their heart. Jeremiah 29:13: You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
Our “NO!” can stop even God!!! Our “YES!” is important!!!