Welcome to Mrs. Hockman’s Second Grade Class Chickasaw Elementary School Parents’ Open House August 12, 2013
Contact info:
Thank you for allowing me to be your child’s teacher. Let me introduce myself. I graduated from MSU. This is my 8 th year to teach. My husband and I have two children—6 and 4. I am live in Olive Branch and am very happy to be your child’s teacher!
Behavior Management: We use a positive behavior management system. A copy of the clip chart is in your child’s folder. Every child starts each day on Green and has many opportunities as an individual, a class, and with their group to move up. Students also move down for making poor choices. Students can move back up after moving down. Students on purple at the end of the day walk for half of recess. Students on pink walk for the entire recess. Students who remain on green or above all week will be rewarded on Friday.
Our Classroom Rules Our classroom rules: 1.Follow directions quickly 2.Raise your hand for permission to speak 3.Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat 4.Make smart choices! 5.Keep your dear teacher happy!
The Daily Five The five things that we are learning to do each day during our Readers’ workshop are: Read to Self Read to Someone Listen to Reading Word Work Work on Writing These are called The Daily Five!
Daily Class Schedule It is very important for students to be in school daily. Our daily schedule is as follows : 7:40-8:30: Journal time, Write Rights, Morning Meeting 8:30-8:35: Restroom 8:35-9:50: Readers’ Workshop 9:50-10:40: Snack/ Restroom/Recess 10:40-11:06: Read Aloud/Share Time 11: 06-11: 31: Lunch 11:31-11: 36: Restroom 11: 36-11:55: Calendar/Intervention time 11: 55-12:40- Activity 12: 40-1: 25: Writer’s Workshop 1: 15-2: 20: Math Workshop
Accelerated Reader All students need a minimum of 1 point per week with an 80% accuracy. Our AR Club is a great incentive for the kids and is as follows: 5 points: bookmark club85: eat with teacher or friend 10 points: candy club100: crown club 15 points: pencil club200: super Walmart gift card 20 points: treasure chest club 25 points: free computer time club 35 points: bracelet club 50 points: free homework pass club 65 points: water bottle club 75 points: AR shirt club
Activity Schedule: Students will visit these special classes each week. Monday – Music Tuesday – PE Wednesday – Computer Thursday – Art Friday –Library *Students need to wear tennis shoes on Tuesday. We will not change shoes. * Students need to bring library books back on Friday.
Birthdays/Special Treats These will be served during our recess time, which is at 10:15.
Grading Policy Most tests are taken on Thursday or Friday and are posted by Tuesday, unless it is a writing rubric, which takes a little longer to grade. Test folders will come home on Tuesday or Wednesday. Please sign them and have them back by Friday. Please send all test papers back.
Homework Expectations or Policy Homework is listed in the newsletter that is sent home on Monday. All homework is due by Friday. Students who turn in ALL homework will get to pull from the treasure box on Friday. Homework includes reading for a minimum of 10 minutes each night. Reading is essential!!
Folders Communication folders (purple for girls and green for boys) are VERY important. These are our way of communicating with you daily. Please check them each night and be sure to send them back. Any notes or money should be put in the yellow pouch.
Going home If your child is going home a different way, we MUST have it in writing. The note should be in the pouch in the yellow folder.
Photos! We like to take pictures in the classroom and at school! The photo release information in the online registration can be confusing. Please sign the form tonight if you DO want your child’s picture to be able to be taken and be in the yearbook, hallway, etc.
Thank you! Thank you for coming! We are going to have a great year! Please don’t hesistate to contact me for anything! It is my passion to teach your children!