Human and System Integration: Challenge of the Requirement Maj Jon Herbert DLR 5-6 Project Director Integrated Soldier System 21 Sept Soldier Systems Technology Roadmap Human and System Integration Workshop
DLR and the Soldier Requirements Genesis The Soldier System Soldier Today Challenge of the Requirement OUTLINE
DLR Mission To provide operational direction for the acquisition and management of equipment that contributes to the generation and sustainment of a multi-purpose combat capable Land Force. Represent the USER!
The System is the Integration of everything the soldier Wears Wears Carries Carries Consumes Consumes for enhanced individual and collective (small unit) capability within their national command control structure.” The Soldier System
Navigation capabilities Comms at Section/pl PRR Voice only – Short but Non Secure comms PRC-152/148 Comms with veh Mounted Soldier Low range comms with higher Hearing Protection Dismounted Soldier High-tech capabilities inside vehicle Power 21 batteries (AA and CR123) + Spares Low Situation Awareness + Target Acquisition + low BCID DAGR + Vector Binos + IR Patch Load Carriage THE SOLDIER OF TODAY
Damn Humans….. Dedicated HF components All systems undergo User trials with soldiers from across the country Must obtain 80% User acceptance Feedback Mechanisms Unsatisfactory Condition Report Chain of Command Current User Trials et al TCB CCMFR Hybrid Shirt
ISSP Networked Soldier - CYCLE 1 Integrated GPS Digital magnetic compass Communications Tactical Display Close Combat Modular Fighting Rig Enhanced hearing protection Soldier’s computer Integrated geo-reference (GPS) Battlefield management Target Acquisition Navigation BCID (passive) Training module With : Section/Platoon Conceptual
Load carriage Bionics/Robotics Power Anthropometrics Soldier – Vehicle integrated Mobility Firepower with fire detect and control Tough Soldier not included Soldier System Integration Vision
ISS - Human and System Integration Validation Dedicated HF team Outsource work to H S I 14 week UAPE part of Bid Evaluation User testing is the only (and best) way to measure usability/user acceptance and many HF criteria in the SOR mitigate project risk and help to ensure ultimate project success
Weight/volume Load carriage Mobility vs Protection Power Consumption Nature Anthropometrics Soldier – Vehicle Interoperability Communications Target Detect-Discriminate-Inform-Prosecute Soldier Demo – Key Integration Challenges