Cancer Information Framework Initial feedback on NWCN LUCADA submission 2006 data Wednesday 20 th February, 2008 Linda Roberts, Cancer Information Specialist, NWCN
LUCADA Healthcare Commission sponsored Run by NCASP UK National Audit All newly diagnosed lung cancer patients Date first seen 01/01/2006 to 31/12/2006 Malignant disease only (not in situ disease) Year 1: 2005 data headline indicators only Year 2: 2006 date full clinical data
2005 data England / Wales comparison Outcome Headline indicatorWalesEngland Number of cases Proportion of lung cancer patients who have specific anti-cancer treatment 59%39% Proportion of lung cancer patients in whom there is a histological and / or cytological diagnosis 75%64% Proportion of lung cancer patients who have been reviewed by an MDT 90%81% Proportion of lung cancer patients who underwent surgical resection -8%
Submission process Year 2 Mapping LUCADA ~ CANISC Apr 07 Information Pack to teams 30/4/07 Weekly nagging s! Teams validating data 14/06/07 Data extract run centrally 18/6/07 Central validation 18-28/6/07 Submission to LUCADA 29/6/07
Summary: – excellent data completeness NHS no Date first seen Date of diagnosis ICD10 disease coding Basis of Diagnosis Histology recorded MDT discussion indicator
Summary: room for improvement Pre-treatment TNM staging Significant co-morbidity Performance status 1 st definitive treatment entered
LUCADA next steps … … Improve data completeness key items Continue with regular validation checks of data Move towards Prospective data collection
Any Questions?