Too Cool for School? No Way!
¿What is technology? Pencil/Paper Clothing Phones Television Cars Airplanes Photoshop Portable technology Internet Hacking/Pirating Image projectors Etc. Back in the day…Now…
Can we use Toys in the Classroom? Only because a technology is cool does not mean it fits in our classrooms but we can repurpose the technology to fit our needs. For example, Pinterest.
Using site like Pinterst can help educators keep track of ideas they want to use in their classroom. Also, educators can get ideas from other users. It is easy to find a lot of information according to a topic of interest.
¿What can Technology do for our Students? “Teaching requires the transformation of content in ways that make it intellectually accessible to students” (15). Finding ways to integrate what students are familiar with in the classroom can aid them in understanding the content and keeping them engaged.
In Conclusion, “Technology was not constructed for educational purposes. Making it educational technology required creative input form the teacher to redesign the original intentions of the software programmer” (18). ¿So what is our role as educators?!
Reference Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. (2009). Too Cool for School? No Way! Using the TPACK Framework: You Can Have Your Hot Tools and Teach with Them, Too. Learning & Leading With Technology, 36(7),