Requiring Transplant Programs to Report in UNet℠ a Change in Criterion or Status within 24 Hours of that Change, and Other Edits Sponsored by the Thoracic Organ Transplantation Committee Chair – Mark L. Barr, MD
(Adult Candidate Status) (Pediatric Candidate Status) Policies Affected
The OPTN Contractor requires, as part of its site audit criteria, Adult and pediatric heart transplant programs record in UNet SM changes to a candidate’s status or criterion within 24 hours of that change Requirement is not in policy 24-Hour Policy Background
Change in Status 1A or 1B Criterion or Eligibility If a change in the candidate’s medical condition makes the criterion used to justify a candidate’s Status 1A or 1B no longer accurate, the transplant program must report the accurate information in UNet℠ within 24 hours of the change in medical condition. Proposed 24-Hour Policy
Remove phrase that the OPTN contractor will notify “a responsible member of the transplant team” prior to downgrading a candidate’s Status Develop consistent language in the adult and pediatric policies regarding case referrals to the Thoracic Committee Edit the inotrope language in the pediatric policy so that it reads similarly as the adult policy Change in formatting and general edits Other Policy Changes
Type of Response Total Response In FavorIn Favor as Amended OpposedNo Vote/ No Comment/ Did Not Consider Individual2013 (100%)007 Regional1111 (100%)000 Committee193 (100%)0016 The percentages in each row reflect the total number of individuals, regions, and committees, respectively, that voted (in favor, in favor as amended, opposed) on the proposed policy. Thirteen individuals voted on revisions to Policies and All 11 regions voted on revisions to Policies and Three Committees voted on revisions to Policies and Public Comment Responses
**RESOLVED, that Policies (Adult Candidate Status) and (Pediatric Candidate Status) shall be modified as set forth in Resolution 12, pending programming in UNet℠ and notice to OPTN membership Resolution