Brahman Recap What three things did we learn about Brahman last lesson?
One Thing: Many Sides Learning Objective: To understand how one thing can have many different sides and apply this to ourselves.
Can you guess what it is?
The Blind Man and the Elephant Is each description correct, if not why not? What do the blind men need to do in order to get a full understanding of what the elephant is? Think. Pair. Share.
The Blind Man and the Elephant What can we learn about Brahman from this story? Brahman is the elephant. In order to understand what the elephant is like, you need to feel the individual parts and then put them together like a jigsaw. Each piece is a different murti/god. We cannot fully understand God, only parts of God. God is one thing but with many sides.
What have we learnt so far? Add to your key information from last lesson with one new thing you have learnt about Brahman from this poem.
The many sides of me Complete the many sides of me sheet by thinking about how you and those around you see you. Do different people see you in different ways? Has anything surprised you?
Creative Response Just like the elephant was a symbol for Brahman, you are going to create a symbol for yourself that sums up some of the ideas on your sheet. Think will be marked with an attitude grade.
Peer Assessment Swap symbols with the person next to you and give them two stars and a wish.