Powered by Your Club House Experience and Views Thursday, October 22, 2015
Date Created: Sunday, April 19, Total Responses Complete Responses: 205
Q1 : I currently feel Stirling Golf Club Answered: 222 Skipped: 10 Summary: Positive feel about the club as a good place to visit There was a feel that we needed to encourage younger members to participate more in the club Fairly even split around the way the rules are applied, but it is felt we could do better
Q2: What are your specific views on Club House dress code? Answered: 221 Skipped: 11 Summary: We will re-introduce Collared Shirts for the Main Lounge as of March 2016 Smart Jeans throughout the Clubhouse Exceptions apply to primary school children or younger, in the dining room.
Q3: How do you currently rate the restaurant Answered: 220 Skipped: 12 Summary: We have had a lot of positive feedback in relation to the restaurant which the committee will be reviewing these in line with the changes being implemented at the moment with change of ownership
Q4: Restaurant & Bar - Staff & Service Answered: 219 Skipped: 13 Summary: The reviews on the whole were good but we did have a number of comments relating to ensuring mobile phone rules were applied across committee members, staff and members
Q5: Main Lounge TV - when should it be on (please confirm preferences) Answered: 219 Skipped: 13 Summary: We will ensure the TV in the main lounge is only used for big events or key club house or golf course information.
Q6: The club house standards Answered: 213 Skipped: 19 Summary: It seems club house standards are of concern, so we will set up a volunteer team together to review and put forward recommendations for the membership to agree on Timescales : Call for Sub Committee Volunteers will go out in the new year
Q7: Planning events around sports. Which of the following major events are of interest to you? Answered: 220 Skipped: 12 Summary: There was interest to plan other events around a variety of sports, we will ask for staff/volunteers to help develop a programme for 2016.
Q8: Which type of events (in general) would you be happy to participate in ? Answered: 221 Skipped: 11 Summary: There was interest to plan other events around a variety of sports, we will ask for volunteers to help develop a programme for 2016.
Q9: Other options to develop food and drink revenue ideas Answered: 212 Skipped: 20 Summary: It is clear that no one wants table service removed, but there is interest in looking at additional options such as Golfer Specials, Healthy Options, On Course ordering etc and we will ask the new Food and Drink team to review these options and develop a plan for 2016
Q10: Please indicate your choice of Opening Hours during Winter Answered: 175 Skipped: 57 Summary: New Opening Hours have now been announced, I hope members can see that whatever choice taken we would not fully accommodate everyone.
Q12: 125 Club - How should monies be spent? Answered: 207 Skipped: 25 Summary: We are proposing that for next year we take the 125 funds and use these to fund the upgrade to the Juniors Lounge.
Q13: Would you be happy to contribute to a 150th club anniversary fund ? Answered: 199 Skipped: 33 Summary: We propose to review this question later in 2016 when the 150 Sub Committee have documented their proposals for 2019.
Q14: Management Structure Answered: 173 Skipped: 59 Summary: We are going to take some additional time to review all individual comments, but the majority of members have suggested that we should be looking at a management committee with sub committees.
Q16: Making your experience count for Stirling Golf Club Answered: 92 Skipped: 140 Summary: We would like to thank those of you who put their hands up to offer skills in the new year, we will be sending out a list of projects where your support is vital If there are any members with HR experience, please could we ask them to make themselves known to Garry as we would value an additional pair of hands/eyes now!
Q17: Age and Membership Answered: 203 Skipped: 29 Summary: Self Explanatory – we need to start succession planning!