The Dirty 30’s The 1920's were a time of optimism and prosperity All that would soon end...
Black Tuesday During the 1920's, many people played the ___________________ By 1929, stocks began losing their value On October ____, 1929, thousands of stocks that were bought on margin were dumped on to the stock market Investors _____________, and within days, these stocks were worthless...
On Tuesday October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed – ______________________ ____________________________ At first, no one realized how serious this problem would be – even PM Mackenzie King thought that the economy would ________________ correct itself
Economic Cycle ________________ -Money -Employment -Expansion of business and manufacturing -Technology and new products_______________ -Jobs increase -Money to spend-Cutbacks in production -Job loss -Production increased and business expands-Wage cuts and layoffs _________________ -Low demand for goods and services - High unemployment -Factories shut down and businesses close
Causes of the Great Depression __________________________ Canada's resource based economy (minerals, fish, wheat, lumber) Canada's economy vulnerable to _________________ in the economy Dependence on ________________ Decreased global demand Surpluses, low sales High tariffs
Over-production in the 1920's Falling ____________ Low prices Falling wages _________________ Credit purchasing Banks call in loans People lose assets... ________________
Regionalism _____________________ hard hit Maritimes never recovered in 1920's Unemployment Contributes to the d__________________ spiral
SHORT TERM CAUSES _______________________ Buying on margin, stock prices plunging Investors couldn't repay brokers and dumped stocks on market _________________________! Stock market crash on Tues. Oct. 29 – all stocks are worthless
Drought and _________________ Surplus of wheat in late 1920's, but low demand Drought on and off for ____________ through the late 20's and early 30's Dustbowl – top layer of soil dries up Grasshoppers Huge __________________ damaged crops
Government Reactions PM Mackenzie King thought that the Crash would only be ____________; he did not want to raise taxes or borrow money to help the poor R.B. Bennett, leader of the ______________ (Conservatives) wanted higher __________ to protect Canadian goods from unfair competition from other countries
Alternative Solutions New ________________ were forming in the 1930's as a response
Communist Party of Canada Smallest and most _____________ They believed that the ________________ system was to blame They wanted to eliminate ____________ ownership of business and property to help eliminate _______________
CCF Co-operative ___________________ Federation Their platform was called the Regina Manifesto This party wanted a policy of ________________ _____________ where an elected government would own businesses to make sure that prices were fair and profits were ____________ to the people
Social Credit Party Lead by William Aberhart Wanted to jump-start the economy by putting people ______________________________ _____________________________________ Social Credit party governed Alberta from
Union Nationale Unemployment was high in _______ and many businesses were run by English Canadians Maurice Duplessis forms this party Promised to bring in higher ______________ wage, workers' compensation, create a provincial government-owned hydro-electricity system like in Ontario Duplessis did not keep his promises and allowed the _________________________ to continue to control social services; government action was taken _____________________ and their leaders
Bad Times and a Bleak Future Prairie farmers ____________________ any other group of Canadians during this time Many were already suffering a drought since the late 1920's Many ______________ on mortgage payments and some were forced to leave their homes to find new ones elsewhere in Canada The dole = relief payments, or ___________
________________ Social policies to assist people in difficult times Helps provide ____________ to make sure we have a _______________________ Healthcare, education, unemployment, social assistance, shelter
On to Ottawa Trek Unemployed men were sent to ____________ camps in _______________________ In Vancouver, strikers commandeered freight trains and headed to Ottawa to take their message to PM Bennett This was feared to be a ______________________ Bennett ordered the strikers to be stopped in Regina where the strike leaders had organized a _________ _____________________ A riot broke out when RCMP tried to _____________ break it up
Riding the rails...