Finance implications for students 2015 to 2019 Jovan Luzajic Senior Policy Analyst Universities UK
Changes to student funding Changes to government maintenance support from Replacement of non-repayable government grants with loans Increase in overall level of support available Proposal to increase tuition fees by inflation depending on performance in TEF from Greater variation in the maximum fee universities can charge (Price sensitivity of certain groups?) Greater variation in amount of money spent as part of access agreements? Proposal to freeze repayment thresholds for student loans Increased repayments for low and middle earners Student confidence in loan system?
Changes to student funding Changes to Disabled Students Allowance £126m allocated in , part of which will need to be supported from institutional income Greater investment from institutional resources Outcome of CSR Announcement on 25 November 2015, 20-40% reduction in BIS budget £364m of grant funding for Student Opportunity allocation, which with spending through access agreements, amounted to just over £1bn of spending on WP in Greater targeting of remaining funding?
By …….. Students Greater overall debt, particularly for those from low income backgrounds Increased support for living costs (but still below required levels) Increased repayments after graduation for some groups Institutions Greater differentiation between institutions in funding received for teaching Increase in internal funding of WP activities by universities, with potentially less support from government
Cost of living – evidence from students Level of financial support needs to increase and be better targeted Lack of transparency and comparable information on costs of living More support needed through hardship funds Timing of provision of funds needs to better reflect when costs occur
Understanding of repayments – evidence from students Poor student understanding of repayment system For those comfortable with understanding of system, repayments not an important factor influencing participation Communication of how system works important, in continuing increase in participation Understanding more important factor for those with other financial commitments (e.g. mature, and part-time students)