Name: Majior: Student ID:
Who is she? Princess Of Pearl Yao Mulan Sun Shangxiang Mu Lan Lu Yiping Princess Jing
Individual resume Films and tv series Personal experinence Recent process catalogue
Individual resume Chinese name :赵薇赵薇 English name : Vicki Zhao Birthplace : Wuhu, Anhui Birth date : 1976/3/12/3/12/ Occupation : actress/singer/director Graduate institution : Beijing Film Academy Master Works : Princess of Pearl (还珠格格) Painted Skin (画皮) Romance in the Rain (情深深雨濛濛) Moment in Peking( 京华烟云 )
When she was young…
1993 , performed an unspectacular role in Painting Soul 1994 , a school which set up by a famous director,Xie Jing 1996 , Beijing film academy , becoming the top student there and had more opportunities to act in the films
Films and tv series Princess of Pearl (还珠格格) Time: Influence: Famous overnight Characteristic: Outgoing Naught lovely
Romance in the Rain Time : 2001 Influence : won several important awards Characteristic : Independent Strong Responsible
Painted Skin 2
Main achievements : Shanghai International Film Festival 上海国际电影节最佳女演员 Changchun International Film Festival 两届长春国际电影节最佳女主角
She is also a singer~ Angel suit case ( 2007 ) There is a girl 2007
Trust Crisis She wore a cloth with the logo of Japanese flag. A fan attacked her in public. He smeared (弄脏) to her. After that, She became cautious. Bad effect.
Her Happiness Her husband: Huang Youlong Married in ,had a baby daughter They live happily together
Society activities charity 1999~ Subsidized( 资助 ) Donated China charity star( 中 国慈善明星 ) Torch relay( 奥运火炬传递 ) Wuhu The first torch proudly
a director
Her first directed film Box office( 票房 ) Confident Big success
After performing in many romantic plays, she stepped to song circles(歌坛) and widescreen. Although there are lots of Controversy(争议),it is obvious to see her attempt and progress. And so many years of efforts makes her more calm and indifferent.
Thank you ~~~