Credit Recovery and Credit Advancement Presentation By Andy Meadows Education Specialist and Robin Nelson Coordinator Instructional Services
What is Credit Recovery? Credit Recovery allows students who have been unsuccessful in mastering particular content or skills an opportunity to apply for credit recovery as an alternative to repeating the entire course. Credit Recovery is based on deficiencies only which allows for a more expedient recovery from the failing grade.
Who may qualify for Credit Recovery? Alabama State Department of Education guidelines require students to have earned a baseline average of 40 or above on a 100-point scale or the equivalent on a locally adopted grading scale in order to be eligible for credit recovery.
How is Credit Recovery Implemented? LEAs offering Credit Recovery must develop their own program rules, regulations and explanations of limitations, and processes. These guidelines must be approved by the local Board of Education and provided in writing to students, parents/guardians, and the ALSDE.
How is Credit Recovery Implemented? An LEA’s Credit Recovery Plan, which has been approved by the local Board of Education, must be submitted to the ALSDE no later than the May 10, 2016 for the school year. Credit Recovery plans must then be reviewed annually and resubmitted each year no later than the second Tuesday in May.
What is the goal of Credit Recovery? The goal of Credit Recovery is to allow students an opportunity to learn content not mastered and graduate in a timely manner without having to repeat the entire content of the failed courses.
How does Credit Recovery Work? Admission and Removal Instruction Content and Curriculum Grades Limitations
Admission and Removal LEA rules and regulations may include more criteria but should include the following procedures : Credit Recovery Request Form Parent/Guardian Consent 40% mastery or above on a 100 point scale or its equivalent Removal guidelines/conditions are determined by the LEA.
Instruction Instruction and supervision must come from trained personnel. The three identified options to receive this instruction are: Teacher Based Programs – traditional instruction Facilitators using outside vendors (usually computer based) ACCESS (Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators, & Students Statewide)
Option 1: Teacher Based Programs A highly qualified teacher in the subject area must provide the instruction. Non-mastered content standards must be identified and provided to the credit recovery instructor by the teacher that assigned the failing grade.
Option 2: Outside Vendors or Computer-Based Programs Facilitator must be a certified teacher. Facilitator should receive training in: 1. Course content/organization 2. Online/Computer-based Instruction Management 3. Technology
Option 2: Outside Vendors or Computer-Based Programs Vendor may provide course and skill-specific diagnostic tools to measure unmet standards. LEAs are responsible for ensuring that the program aligns with the Alabama academic content standards.
ACCESS courses are taught by certified, highly qualified teachers and provided free of charge by the ALSDE. Facilitator: Must be an adult approved by local school board. Must be trained in online methodology and Web-based instruction by ACCESS staff. Option 3:
Recording Grades ACCESS will report actual grade average School records a grade no higher than a 70 No specific end date – set by principal
ACCESS Credit Recovery ½ Credit Equivalents Recovered70% Success Rate (2286) ½ Credit Equivalents Recovered64% Success Rate (4875) ½ Credit Equivalents Recovered76% Success Rate (4264) ½ Credit Equivalents Recovered80% Success Rate (4202)
For information about utilizing ACCESS: Larry Raines (334)
NCAA ELIGIBILITY CENTER Does NOT accept Credit Recovery nor Credit Advancement for the purposes or eligibility from any of these options.
Credit Recovery Content and Curriculum Criteria Delivered by highly qualified teacher in the subject. Delivered by a highly qualified teacher through computer-based instructional technology. Delivered through ACCESS, by a facilitator that has been approved by the local school board and trained. Aligned with Alabama Content Standards that the student did not master the while taking the class.
Credit Recovery Grading Guidelines LEAs are responsible for establishing uniform procedures in: Student Progress Awarding Final Grade (Not to exceed 70 on a 100 point scale) Options available for LEAs Grading formula (example to follow) Grade forgiveness (excluding original failing grade in computing overall GPA) A student’s failing grade should never be removed from the permanent record
Credit Recovery Grading Sample Sample Credit Recovery Grading Criteria Credit Recovery GradeFinal Grade 100%-90%70 89%-80%67 79%-70%65 69%-60%60 59% and belowF (Failure)
Explanation of Limitations LEAs should: advise all students that the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) does not recognize Credit Recovery for course credit and advise all students accordingly. explain the student will not receive higher than a 70. explain that the original failing grade will remain on the permanent record.
Important things to Remember Students Failed course/class with a 40 or above on a 100 point scale Complete LEA approved credit recovery request form Obtain parental consent Participate in credit recovery to meet unmet standards to graduate in a timely manner ALSDE Receives and reviews the LEA Board approved Credit Recovery Plan annually.
LEAs Develop and implement the Credit Recovery Program 1. Three basic ways for LEAs to design their Credit Recovery Program. 2. Utilize the correct faculty/staff for the LEA design. 3. Credit Recovery is customized for course standards not met by each student. A students failing grade should never be removed from the permanent record. Must review and resubmit their plan annually no later than the second Tuesday of May to the Instructional Services section of the ALSDE or to:
Sample credit recovery plans available: *Webinar Handouts *Instructional Services website:
Credit Advancement
What is Credit Advancement? Opportunities through which students may obtain course/class credit based on proficiency or mastery of content.
What is the goal of Credit Advancement? The goal of Credit Advancement is to allow students the opportunity to obtain course credit based on proficiency or mastery of content, rather than time spent in the classroom.
Who may qualify for Credit Advancement? Students may be considered for Credit Advancement by: a recommendation from a current or former teacher of the subject/course being considered. having criterion-referenced or norm-referenced test scores that support above grade-level proficiency of content in the subject/course. showing proficiency during the course. The student may request to work independently and then take an End-of-Course Assessment.
Who may qualify for Credit Advancement? Students who exhibit proficiency beyond the level required for all students for an individual course qualify through: teacher recommendation. scores that support above grade level proficiency of content in subject. Credit Advancement Form.
How is Credit Advancement given? Ways to receive Credit Advancement End-of-Course Assessment (state-adopted or locally developed) Proficiency during the course. The student may request to work independently and then take an End-of-Course Assessment ACCESS Credit Advancement Course A mastery score of 80 or higher must be obtained to receive credit for the course. This score will be included in the student’s overall Grade Point Average. (GPA)
ACCESS Credit Advancement Courses English 9 US Government English 10 Economics English 11 World History English 12 US History to 1877 US History 1877 – Present Algebra I Algebra II Physical Science Algebra II with Trigonometry Biology Algebraic ConnectionsChemistry GeometryEnvironmental Science Precalculus
Things to Note about Credit Advancement The credit advancement grade may be unacceptable to the student, then the student can enroll in the course or complete the course if already enrolled. Students will only be allowed one opportunity to take the End-of-Course Assessment for Credit Advancement. National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) does not recognize Credit Advancement for course credit.
Credit Recovery : If a student has failed a class, they can recover their credit by concentrating their time on only the deficiencies of content in which they did not show mastery. No grade should ever be changed on a transcript. Credit Advancement : allows students who have shown mastery to be awarded a credit in a course as a alternative to the traditional classroom approach. Review :
For more information: Andy Meadows Robin Nelson