Ares The God of War! By Zachary Hebrank
Background Information Ares is the god of war. Ares is represented by a symbol called the Quadriga, it consists of a chariot pulled by 4 horses. Ares had an affair with Aphrodite The son of Zeus and Hera
Background Information The Roman name of Ares is “Mars” Ares had 3 siblings: Hephaestus, Hebe, Eileithyia. Ares had 5 children: Deimos, Phobos,Harmonia, Anteros, Eros
Background Information Ares fathered a water dragon who went nameless and was killed by a man named Cadmus. Ares questionably founded the city of Thebes. Ares’ weapon of choice is the spear.
Ares’ Affair with Aphrodite One day, Aphrodite and Ares were hanging out together when Helios, the god of the sun noticed that they were laying down together and embracing each other. So Helios had a plan to ruin their time of privacy.
The Ruining of the Affair Helios zoomed to the craftsman god, Hephaistos – Aphrodite’s husband. When Helios told him about what he saw, so he made a net and told Helios to throw it on top of them when they were in their most private moment.
The Embarrassing Moment After Helios threw the net over the two, Hephaistos came to see but he brought a couple guests, he had invited EVERY SINGLE one of the gods to come and see the affair. Making their private moment, a not – so private moment.
Works Cited Skidmore. Joel. “Ares.” MythWeb. 2010. Fleet Gazelle. 29 March 2010. Rodriguea. Velazque Diego. “Ares God of War.”30 March 2010 Silvay - Museo del Prado – Madrid, Eric Rhymer, 2010 Diego Ghare. Madhavi. “Ares – Greek god of war.”.31 March 2010. 2010