copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd Netball 7s A guide to playing positions and court areas
GA GS WA C C WDWD WDWD GD GK GD GK WDWD WDWD C C WA GA GS Netball playing positions copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd Each team has 7 players. The initials of the player position is shown on their playing kit or bib. Each player has an opposition player who “marks” them (and anyone else in their area!).
GD GK WDWD WDWD C C WA GA GS Netball playing areas The netball court is divided into thirds. There is a shooting area at each end third (Goal Third) and in the Centre Third there is a Centre Circle from which play starts. Different players may go into different areas.
Goal Keeper GK The Goal Keeper’s job is to protect the goal. The GK tries to keep the Goal Shooter as far from the post as possible to making shooting more difficult. copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd
Goal Defence GD The Goal Defence protects the goal as well. The GD drives the ball forward when it has been intercepted. copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd
Wing Defence WDWD WDWD The Wing Defence’s main job is to protect the edge of the goal circle to keep the ball out of the shooting area. The Wing Defence is not allowed in the Goal Circle but will attack up to their shooter’s goal third. copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd
Centre C C The Centre has a lot of court to cover, often one of the smallest players on court as the Centre has to be fast and nimble. The Centre is not allowed in either Goal Circle. Alternate Centres start play from the Centre Circle each time a goal is scored or a new quarter starts. copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd
Wing Attack WA The Wing Attack feeds the ball into the Goal Circle. The Wing Attack is not allowed in the Goal Circle. The Wing Attack also defends the ball right up to his or her team’s defending Goal Third. copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd
Goal Attack GA The Goal Attack helps the Goal Shooter with the job of scoring goals. Like the Wing Attack, the Goal Attack defends right up to his or her team’s defending Goal Third. copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd
Goal Shooter GS The Goal Shooter’s job is to score goals! The Goal Shooter will try to get as close to the goalpost as possible to improve the chances of scoring a goal. copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd
GD GK WDWD WDWD C C WA GA GS Some players do more of a defensive job and some do more of an attacking task but all players must do both. Netball playing positions copyright 2015 Franc Concepts Ltd
GD GK WDWD WDWD C C WA GA GS Netball playing positions and playing areas The End. The High 5 rules are very similar but different! Younger players, see our High 5 section.