NMWG GGF7 Tokyo March 2003 Paul Mealor UCL EDG WP7 Network Monitoring Schema Paul Mealor NM-WG GGF7 Presented by Richard Hughes-Jones
NMWG GGF7 Tokyo March 2003 Paul Mealor UCL Menu uLDAP schema uR-GMA schema
NMWG GGF7 Tokyo March 2003 Paul Mealor UCL LDAP schema design considerations uLDAP schema for MDS in EDG uPublication of most recent network measurements for host-to-host pairs uEarly work, so Schema design Should be easy to add new metrics to the Schema Should be easy to add new measurement parameters The (EDG?) MDS setup made it hard to add new LDAP objectclasses
NMWG GGF7 Tokyo March 2003 Paul Mealor UCL Example of a LDAP schema objectclass ( NAME 'NetworkMeasurement‘ DESC 'Describes a single measurement.‘ SUP ( NetworkMonitorSource $ NetworkMonitorDest $ NetworkMonitorMetric ) STRUCTURAL MUST ( NMMeasureId $ MetricValue $ MetricTime ) ) objectclass ( NAME 'NetworkMonitorSource' DESC 'Describes a network monitoring host from which measurements are made. This is here to help the with implementation.' SUP DataGridTop STRUCTURAL MUST ( SourceHost ) MAY ( SourceSite $ SourceNE ) ) objectclass ( NAME 'NetworkMonitorDest' DESC 'Describes a network monitoring host to which measurements are made. This is here to help the with implementation.' SUP DataGridTop STRUCTURAL MUST ( DestHost ) MAY ( DestSite $ DestNE ) ) objectclass ( NAME 'NetworkMonitorMetric' DESC 'Describes a single metric and its parameters.Abstract: do not use.' SUP NetworkMonitorToolName ABSTRACT MUST ( MetricName $ MetricUnit ) MAY ( Parameter ) )
NMWG GGF7 Tokyo March 2003 Paul Mealor UCL Schema in use – LDAP Object objectClass: NetworkMeasurement nmMeasureId: foo.ac.uk/bar.ac.uk/rttavg sourceHost: a.foo.ac.uk destHost: b.bar.ac.uk sourceNE: foo.ac.uk destNE: bar.ac.uk metricName: rttavg metricUnit: ms parameter: packetsize:100 parameter: packets:10 metricValue: 67 metricTime: Z Provides Mappings between source and destination “NEs” and Computing or Storage Elements held elsewhere on site This LDAP object contains the average RTT of a measurement between a.foo.ac.uk and b.bar.ac.uk that was made with 10 packets of 100bytes each. LDAP Tree structure discouraged Tree different dependent on location Map Objects in Net Info Index
NMWG GGF7 Tokyo March 2003 Paul Mealor UCL R-GMA Schema Design Considerations uRelational database schema R-GMA looks a lot like a relational database! uR-GMA allows historical information in SQL Dbase uEasier to use: Better understanding of network monitoring & tools now Adding new tables easier Can add custom schemas at run-time Tables store observations between hosts Different tables for different metrics Include parameters (entity annotations) in the table Separate tables for mapping CE & SE to Network monitoring Much better for SQL queries searching for observations
NMWG GGF7 Tokyo March 2003 Paul Mealor UCL Schema in use – RGMA Tables NetworkCE CEId NMId NetworkRTT NMIdSource NMIdDestination tool packetSize time minimum maximum average NetworkCE CEId NMId NetworkSE SEId NMId ComputingElement CEId GRAMVersion Architecture OpSys &c… 1 1 1 1 NetworkTCPThroughput NMIdSource NMIdDestination tool bufferSize streams duration time value ID for Network Monitor nodes Tables provide mappings: SE – Net Monitor node CE – Net Monitor node uTables defined for: RTT TCP throughput ICMP packet loss 1-way IPDV UDP throughput UDP packet loss