☻ Descriptions of places usually include details about location, the scenery and general atmosphere. ☻ When we have to describe a place we must use adjectives to enable the reader to “see” the place in his or her mind.
Opening Name and location of the place and one or two details. Dunnottar is an ancient castle built on a huge rock near the Scottish town of Stoneheaven. It is well-known for its great views, and many tourists visit it every year. Body Describes the place in more detail and gives examples of the things you can do or see there To get to the castle, you go down a steep and narrow path to a gate. Then you have to climb lots of stairs as you make your way to the castle itself. As you walk around the castle, you are surrounded by the sea, with seabirds screaming around the cliffs below. Inside the castle you can learn about the historic castle´s past. Its owners were important people, and many kings and queens slept there. Closing Contains a concluding sentence and often gives an opinion. If you are in Scotland, you shouldn´t miss Dunnottar Castle, but because of the climb, you really have to be quite fit.
Description of a Place 1st paragraph Name the place Name and location of the place The Isle of Skye is in the northwest of Scotland 2nd paragraph Describe its physical characteristics It is known for its magnificent coast and its beautiful Special features and points of interest Not many places to see but beautiful sights, splendid mountains and coast line 3rd paragraph Atmosphere of the place People culture and life style Historical details How are people? What do they live on? Historical details ? Conclusion General conclusion about the place The Isle of Skye is a great place to visit if you like to look at beautiful landscape and traditional way of living.
Useful language It´s well known for……. It offers… It´s popular with tourists because……. The views are……….. You can see………… It´s located………….. It´s got…………….. You shouldn´t miss……….. The atmosphere is…….. Peaceful Beautiful Crowded Quiet Ancient Noisy Colourful