Housing Benefit Reform – Private Sector Housing Janeine Barrett North Ayrshire Council
Presentation Outline Housing Benefit Reform Outcomes Partnership working Communication Strategy Private Landlords Incentives Discussion
Changes to LHA Applied change from 1 st April `11 < 35’s (single room rates) Loss of excess payments Reduction in LHA New Cap levels of LHA 5 bed rate reduced to 4 bed rate Reduction for non-dependants
Outcomes 100% landlords cognisant with change 100% tenants aware of impact Rents brought down to affordable levels Identification of clients at risk of homelessness Implementation of Housing Options Robust and consistent response across SW HUB Facilitation of moves between landlords/across tenures
Outcomes Minimise impact – Social networks/employment/education Web based advice and information will be displayed across all LA HUB’s Development of select and match flat sharing opportunities across all 5 local authorities A reduction in rent arrears and housing benefit overpayments across the hub Prevention of homelessness
Partners South West HUB - 5 Local Authorities - Landlords - Landlord registration - Finance section - Housing options / advice staff - Private Sector teams - Voluntary sector advice teams - Welfare benefit/debt advice staff - RDS scheme’s / letting agents - Job centre plus - Voluntary orgs and support staff
Communication Strategy Guidance for : All partner agencies Private landlords Private sector tenants Front line staff Inter agency agreement to ensure consistent approach: - Include information sharing - Shared approach - Responsibilities - Outcomes - Targets - Measures
Private landlords / Tenants Get them on Board Registration/Finance Initial guidance drop Landlord forums / events Target letting agents Calculation for current tenants Series of meetings with individual landlords Incentives
Incentives Access to Rent Deposit Guarantee Scheme’s (for landlords willing to negotiate rent levels) - Paperwork - Permissions - Guidance / advice - Robust select and match process - Extended duration of guarantee's Direct payment to landlords Access to support provision Other incentives as identified by landlords during process
Discussion Over to you - How can we prevent homelessness? - Who should be doing this work? - What can we do jointly? - What are the barriers? - What are the solutions?