Imagine this background with a red line running through it.
What might you see ?
Picturing in your mind what you might see, hear, taste, smell or feel is called visualizing.
When we visualize we: Create pictures in our minds that belong to us and no one else. Create our own movies in our minds. Personalize our reading so we keep wanting to continue.
If you can imagine the information while you are reading, then it is easier to remember the material. It is like the TV being on in your head.
Visualization Examples
Close Your Eyes and Turn on that TV in Your Head "There is wind here," said Caleb happily. "It blows the snow and brings tumbleweeds and makes the sheep run. Wind and wind and wind!" Caleb stood up and ran like the wind, and the sheep ran after him. Sarah and I watched him jump over rock and gullies, the sheep behind him, stiff legged and fast. He circled the field, the sun making the top of his hair golden. He collapsed next to Sarah, and the lambs pushed their wet noses into us. [From Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan (HarperTrophy, 1987).]
What did you see? Hear? Taste? How did it make you feel?
Imagine the feeling of suddenly having all of your weight lifted from you. You glide along almost without effort. You feel the coolness of water around you. You see the brilliant colors of the fish swimming past you, and the sounds of the world outside are muffled. These are just a few of the pleasures of scuba diving.
Is your TV on? What do you see, hear, smell, taste or feel?
Too tired to erase the tears that fall against her darkened face, she stares into open space; her eyes too sad to focus. Will the hat upon her head be the only warmth she feels?
Is your TV on? What do you see, hear, smell, taste or feel?
Blanketed by white wonder, the mountains sit beside one another as if in conversation. Though its peaks are crisp and rugged its beauty melts and smoothes.
Is your TV on? What do you see, hear, smell, taste or feel?
Mr. Sanders was a pastry chef and he didn't like his job, I'm not sure if he liked anything. He was a big man with a round, bald head and he stared at me as if he was looking right through me. His white coat was buttoned all the way up to his double chin and it came down to his knees; he wore black pants and black shiny shoes. He had been stirring that cake batter for the last half-hour.
Is your TV on? What do you see. Hear, smell or feel?
As good readers we can make the words on the paper come to life. If you visualize the text as you read it and your TV is on, then you are much more likely to remember the information.
Good Readers ….… VISUALIZE