Ryoichi J. P. Noguchi, Michael M. Knepp, Sheri L. Towe, Chad L. Stephens, Jared A. Rowland, Christopher S. Immel, & David W. Harrison, Ph.D. INTRODUCTION.


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Presentation transcript:

Ryoichi J. P. Noguchi, Michael M. Knepp, Sheri L. Towe, Chad L. Stephens, Jared A. Rowland, Christopher S. Immel, & David W. Harrison, Ph.D. INTRODUCTION METHOD  Research suggests that there are certain behavioral risk factors such as cigarette smoking, dietary intake, exercise, and alcohol consumption associated with chronic diseases in ethnic minorities including Asian/Pacific Islanders (Myers et al., 1995).  Health disparities exist among members of various racial and ethnic minority populations. Among Asian Americans, higher rates of cervical cancer incidence rates have been found in women, as well as greater likelihood of type 2 diabetes and hepatitis B (National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2002).  These behavioral risk factors can be affected by various influences including socioeconomic factors such as education, as well as by effects of acculturation.  While acculturation may have beneficial effects such that they allow the individual to adjust to the customs and culture of a particular society, it can also be detrimental if maladaptive behaviors such as poor health behaviors are adopted (e.g., Despues & Friedman, 2007).  The current study investigated reported behaviors in a sample of Asian/Asian American college students in relation to Caucasian students. METHOD RESULTS  Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross & John, 2003). The ERQ is a 10 item instrument that assess how much an individual regulates emotion using deliberate suppression of emotions.  Godin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire (GLTEQ; Godin & Shepard, 1997). Excerpts from the GLTEQ were used to assess for exercise levels among students involved.  Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ; Spitzer et al., 1998). The PHQ is a 9-item measure used to assess for alcohol abuse diagnoses. Contact: Health Related Behavior in Asian and Caucasian Samples of College Students Participants  Participants were 785 undergraduate students between the ages of 18 and 24 (M = 19.15, SD = 2.19) who completed online questionnaires as part of a larger study. Students who failed questionnaire validity checks were excluded from analyses. Measures  Multiple questionnaires were administered to students including those that pertained to substance abuse, temperament, anxiety/worry, exercise, and emotion regulation.  Adult Temperament Questionnaire (ATQ; Rothbart et al., 2000). The ATQ is a 54 item self-report questionnaire measuring nine dimensions of temperment. FIGURES CONCLUSIONS  The current results are commensurate with previous research indicating higher levels of exercise in Caucasians and lower levels of alcohol consumption among Asian/Asian Americans (Despues & Friedman, 2007).  Participant responses on the ERQ reveal no difference in students reappraisal, but with respect to emotion suppression, a difference was found such that Asian/Asian American students reported significantly higher levels of emotion suppression than Caucasians.  This finding may be indicative of how Asians/Asian Americans construe themselves as possessing interdependent values (e.g., connectedness) over independent values (e.g., the self). This difference in values may be associated with how they suppress their emotions compared to Caucasians, perhaps by taking other people’s perspective or being sensitive to others, in order to maintain harmony (Markus & Kitayama, 1991).  As cultural boundaries have become less distinct, the classification of interdependence and independence have become less distinct as well. Future research may benefit from exploring how health related behaviors are evolving among Asian and Asian American individuals in both Western and Asian cultures, and the extent to which acculturation may influence certain adaptive and maladaptive behaviors. Presented at the 20 th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL, May 22-25, 2008  ANOVAs were conducted for each of the measures.  With respect to exercise and health, Caucasians were more likely to exercise more in their leisure time (F[1, 600] = 14.91, p <.001) and had decreased heart rate change to the right frontal task (F[1, 148] = 7.32, p <.01) than Asians.  On the PHQ that assessed for alcohol abuse, Caucasians scored higher than Asians for possible alcohol abuse on the PHQ (F[1, 607] = 7.38, p <.01.  Additionally, Caucasians reported more days of drinking alcohol per month (F[1, 607] = 17.73, p <.001), more days in which they drank until the effects of alcohol were felt (F[1, 607] = 14.64, p <.001), a higher number for most drinks in one day (F[1, 607] = 22.05, p <.001), and a higher amount of days in a month in which five or more drinks were consumed (F[1, 607] = 16.86, p <.001).  With respect to temperament, Caucasians reported higher frustration (F[1, 607] = 4.13, p <.05) while Asians reported higher discomfort (F[1, 607] = 4.97, p <.05) on the ATQ.  Finally, with respect to emotion regulation, Asians reported higher levels of emotion suppression on the ERQ (F[1, 607] = 11.96, p <.005) than Caucasians, but no differences were observed for emotion reappraisal. Selected Means Comparing Asian and Caucasians