Study Skills for 1 st and 2 nd Years
Introduction Effective study skills Personal study style Manage your time Prepare for exams
Definition of Study “To apply one’s mind to the acquisition of knowledge”
Attitude “ It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect it’s successful outcome” William James
We of what we learn within
Spice girls Green Active Black Kilkenny Britney spears Circle Minute Active Dr who
Time Management 1hour 30 minutes for 1 st year No more than 2 hours 30 minutes for 2 nd years Breaks every 30 minutes Use your time wisely Focus is key
Why Plan? Avoid putting things off Break the big task into smaller tasks Identify weak spots
Study Difficulties Poor time management Poor organisation Unclear goals/aims/objectives Poor concentration Tiredness Lack of understanding Anxiety Personal difficulties
My Study Place My Study Place Available to me whenever I need it ? Free from interruptions ? Free from distractions ? Containing all the study materials that I need ? Enough storage space ? Comfortable chair ? Enough light ? Comfortable temperature ?
Record your Work Record deadlines on a calendar School diary
Use SQ3R! Devised by F.P Robinson Survey what you have to do Go back over your material and question Read over again more slowly Recite to yourself Revise making notes on cards
Strategies for Memorising Crazy phrases. “My very eager mother just served us nine pizza’s.” Mercury, Venus, earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
Acronyms Reproductive Excretory Digestive Circulatory A – No system place Nervous Endocrine Skeletal
Good Listening in Class Be a good listener in class Be emotionally ready Listen with a purpose Listen with an open mind Be attentive Be an active listener Meet the challenge Triumph over the environment
What Can I Do About Test Anxiety Good study techniques A positive attitude Well rested and well fed Get enough sleep the night before Follow a plan Focus on your own paper Finish the test and move on Learn from your mistakes
Who Are the Achievers Motivated Have a goal/sense of purpose Work in an organised manner Consistent in their application to work Take responsibility for their own learning
“Genius is and
Cartoons or Pictures Small pictures can trigger memory Mind mapping Word associations
Examination Day The night before Adequate sleep Equipment packed Be familiar with time table The big day Arrive early Do not interact with other students Calmly check flash cards
During the Exam Read the paper Note instructions/obligatory questions Stay within time limits Leave space so that you can return to questions later If you run out time, use points instead of sentences Answer the question you are asked Do not leave early
A Healthy Student Breakfast is essential Healthy diet Fruit Vegetables Water/milk No fizzy drinks Exercise Sleep Fun
“ Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure” Earl Nightingale
Need help? If you need any additional support contact the school. Do not suffer in silence. We are here to help.