Modeling Long Term Care and Supportive Housing Marisela Mainegra Hing Telfer School of Management University of Ottawa Canadian Operational Research Society, May 18, 2011
Outline Long Term Care and Supportive Housing Queueing Models Dynamic Programming Model Approximate Dynamic Programming
μ LTC, C LTC Community Hospital LTC λ C λHλH λRCλRC λ RH LTC problem Goal: Hospital level below a given threshold Community waiting times below 90 days
LTC previous results MDP model determined a threshold policy for the Hospital but it did not take into account community demands Simulation Model determined that current capacity is insufficient to achieve the goal
Queueing Model Station LTC: M/M/C LTC Station H_renege: M/M/∞ μ LTC, C LTC λ H-LTC λ C-LTC λ LTC λ RH λRCλRC Hospital λHλH Community λ C LTC H_reneg e μ RH,
Queueing Model Station LTC: M/M/C LTC <1 steady state: The probability that no patients are in the system: The average number of patients in the waiting line: The average time a client spends in the waiting line: The number of patients from the Hospital that are in the queue for LTC (L qH-LTC ).
Queueing Model Station H_renege: M/M/∞ The average number of patients in the system is
Queueing Model Data analysis Data on all hospital demand arriving to the CCAC from April 1st, 2006 to May 15th, ρ LTC = for current capacity C LTC = 4530 To have ρ LTC , 2841 (62.71%) more beds than the current capacity. With CLTC > 7370 we apply the formulas. Given a threshold T for the hospital patients and the number Lq LTC of total patients waiting to go to LTC, what we want is to determine the capacity CLTC in LTC such as:
Queueing Model Results 19 iterations of capacity values Goal achieved with capacity 7389, the average waiting time is 31 days and the average amount of Hospital patients waiting in the queue is 130 ( T=134). This required capacity is 2859 (63.1%) more than the current capacity.
Queueing Model with SH λ RH Hospital μ LTC, C LTC λ H-LTC λRCλRC λHλH Community λ C LTC H_renege λ C-SH λ H-SH SH μ SH, C SH λ SH-LTC λ C-LTC μ RH,
Queueing Model with SH Results Required capacity in LTC is 6835, 2305 (50.883%) more beds than the current capacity (4530). Required capacity in SH is With capacity values at LTC: 6835 and at SH: 1169 there are (T= 134) Hospital Patients waiting for care (for LTC: , reneging: , for SH: ), and Community Patients wait for care in average (days) at LTC: , and at SH:
Semi-MDP Model State space: Action space: Transition time: Transition probabilities: Immediate reward: Optimal Criterion: S = {(D H_LTC, D H_SH, D C_LTC, D C_SH, D SH_LTC, C LTC, C SH, p) } A = {0,..,max(TC LTC,TC SH )} d(s,a) = Pr(s,a,s’) = r(s,a) = Total expected discounted reward
Approximate Dynamic programming γ: discount factor find π : S A that maximizes the state-action value function Goal Bellman: there exists Q* optimal: Q* =maxQ(s,a) and the optimal policy π*
state action Reinforcement Reinforcement Learning
RL: environment transition probabilities reward function action next state, immediate reward ENVIROMMENT state
RL: Agent Knowledge: Q(s,a) exploratory Learning: update Q-values state Knowledge representation (FA) Backup table Neural networkNeural... Watkins QL Sarsa ( )... reward action Learning method Behavior
QL: parameters θ: number of hidden neurons. T: number of iterations of the learning process. 0 : initial value of the learning rate. 0 : initial value of the exploration rate. Learning-rate decreasing function. Exploration-rate decreasing function.
QL: algorithm exploration vs/ exploitation Learning and exploration rates θ (T, T
QL: tuning parameters (observed regularities) 1.(θ, )-scheme: T= 10 4, 0 = 10 -3, 0 =1, T = 10 3, T =v10 3, v [1,.. ]. PR(θ, ): best performance with (θ, )-scheme 2.PR(θ, ) monotically increase respect until certain value (θ) 3.PR(θ, ) monotically increase respect θ until certain value θ( ) 4. (θ) and θ( ) depend on the problem instance
QL: tuning parameters (methodology: learning schedule given PR Heu ) 1.∆θ =50, θ =0, PR θ =0, =0, v best =1, 2.While PR θ <PR heu or no-stop 1.θ = θ + ∆θ, PR best =0 2.While PR best ≥ PR 1. = +1, T= 10 4, T = PR =PR best, 3.For v= v best to T =v10 3 PR[v]=Q-Learning(T, θ, 10 -3, 1, T , T ) 4.[PR best,v best ]=max(PR) 3.PR θ = PR
Discussion For given capacities solve the SMDP with QL Model other LTC complexities: different facilities and room accommodations, client choice and level of care
Thank you for your attention Questions?
Neural Network for Q(s,a)