( 一 ) What do you like doing? I like Ving. What does she/he like doing? She/He likes Ving. ※ Ving 又叫動名詞, 是名詞的一種 你喜歡做什麼 ? 他 / 她喜歡做什麼 ?


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I like eating! SONG.
Presentation transcript:

( 一 ) What do you like doing? I like Ving. What does she/he like doing? She/He likes Ving. ※ Ving 又叫動名詞, 是名詞的一種 你喜歡做什麼 ? 他 / 她喜歡做什麼 ?

( 二 ) Do you like Ving ? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. Does he/she like Ving ? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesn’t. ※ like, love 動詞後面要加動名詞 Ving 你喜歡 Ving 嗎 ? 他 / 她喜歡 Ving 嗎 ?

play→ playing video games [e] [ ɪ ][ ɪ o] [e] 玩電動 visit→ visiting my friend [ ɪ ][ ɪ ] [aɪ] [ɛ] 拜訪我的朋友

listen→ listening to music [ ɪ ] [ə] [u] [ju] [ ɪ ] 聽音樂 watch→ watching TV [a] 看電視

ride→ riding my scooter [aɪ] [aɪ] [u] [ɚ] 騎滑板車 play→ playing cards [e] [ a r] 玩牌

bake→ baking cookies [e] [u] [ ɪ ] 烘烤餅乾 make→ making models [e] [ a ][ə] 做模型

read→ reading comic books [i] [a][ ɪ ] [ʊ] 看漫畫書 walk→ walking my dog [ɔ] [aɪ][ɔ] 遛狗,

Conversation 1.Gogo:What are you doing? Boy:I’m painting.I like painting. My hobby is painting. 2.Boy:What do you like doing? Gogo: I don’t know. 3.Boy: Do you like swimming, dancing, or reading? Gogo: Hmm. Eating! I like eating. 4.Boy: Eating isn’t a hobby. Gogo: Oh. 畫畫 興趣, 嗜好

Conversation 5.Gogo: I know! My hobby is ice skating. Boy: Ice skating! You can’t ice skate at the beach! 6. Gogo: Yes, I can. 溜冰

1. 志願者上台演出並背出台詞, 根據 演技及熟練度給分 2. 由 Ms. Lee 抽籤上台演出, 無法背出 即抄課文三遍

She likes listening to music. What does she like doing? I like reading comic books. I like baking cookies. They like playing cards. What do you like doing? What do they like doing?

What does she like doing? She likes walking her dog. What do they like doing? They like making models. Does she like watching TV? Yes, she does. What do you like doing? I like.

I like making models. I like making models. I like watching TV. I like baking cookies. Come and play with me. I like riding my scooter. I like playing cards. I like walking my dog. Come and play with me. 遛狗

Song Rules 1. 自行編舞 2. 志願表演或由 Ms. Lee 抽籤 3-5 人上 台演出, 示創意情況給分 3. 未有動作或動作不明確即扣一分 4. 其他同學未唱歌皆須上台演出

A) Gogo likes listening to music. B) Tony likes reading comic books. C) Jenny likes baking cookies. D) Ben likes riding his scooter. E) Lisa likes playing video games. What does like doing?

Name baking cookies watching TV playing cards making models walking the dog Me  Gogo  Tony  Jenny  Peter  A: Do you like baking cookies? B: Yes, I do.(  ) No, I don’t.(  ) 1

A: What do you like doing? B: I like listening to music. 2 Name Me I like baking cookies.I like walking my dog. Gogo He likes watching TV.He likes reading. Tony He likes making models.He likes visiting his friend. Jenny She likes playing cards.She likes watching TV.

ice skating 溜冰 [a ɪ s] [ ‘ sket ɪ ŋ ] smiling 微笑 [ ‘ sma ɪ l ɪ ŋ ] snoring 打鼾 [ ‘ sn ɔr ɪ ŋ ] [sk] 變音 → [sg]

stopping 停 [ ‘ st ɑ p ɪ ŋ ] spilling 溢出, 灑出 [ ‘ sp ɪ l ɪ ŋ ] swinging 盪鞦韆 [ ‘ sw ɪ ŋ ɪ ŋ ] [st] 變音 → [sd] [sp] 變音 → [sb]

A) Tony is smiling. B) They are. C) The car isn’t. D) Gogo! Stop. E) The water is. swinging stopping snoring spilling B A D E C

Quiz Lesson 1.L7 考巻 ( 寫完翻面蓋上, 拿英檢出來背 ) 綠本放桌上 2. 英檢考巻 ~43 題 ( 寫完自己交到 Ms. Lee 桌上 ) 3. 帶英檢單字表找關主英檢口試 都完成的人即可當英檢關主