Fakebook Lyndon Baines Johnson View photos of Lyndon Send Lyndon a message Wall Info Write something… Share Information Presidential Number: 36 Political Party: Democrat State Elected From: Texas Dates of Presidency: Vice President(s): Hubert Humphrey 1965 I Send troops to Vietnam 1963 I take over for JFK after his assassination Image 1965 I Signed Medicare Bill 1964 I signed a Civil Rights act #Winning 1967 I Appointed Thurgood Marshall as Supreme Court Justice, the first African- American to ever do so #Recordbreaking Vietnam war takes place.
Personal Information Fakebook Wall Info Basic Information Following Birthday: August 27, 1908 Hometown: Johnson City, Texas Relationship Status: Married to: Claudia Alta Taylor Family Members: Kids: Lyndia Bird Johnson and Luci Baines Johnson Parents: Rebakah Baines Johnson and Sam Ealy Johnson Jr. Education: Southwest Texas State Teacher’s College graduate Activities/Interests:Fishing, Hunting, and Riding Pets:2 Beagles named Him and Her Previous JobsTeacher, Rancher, Vice President Fun Facts Image Lyndon Baines Johnson Image Fishing fans Beagle Lovers Hunting club JFK Name FFA Image Won presidency by widest margin ever (15 million votes more than my opponent) Youngest Minority leader in Senate history Never moved once in my life (other than White House) They called me Landslide Lyndon because of my “huge” margin of victory (won by 87 out of 988,000)
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