Start an on-line business - step by step - This course reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Fundatia Casa Cartii Valcea - Romania Euroform RFS - Italy School of Adults Consumer - Cyprus Berlink ETN GmbH - Germany Alfa idejos ir technologijos- Lithuania Help Udruga za Pomoć Mladima Split - Croatia Second Chance School of Agrinio - Greece Training Vision Ltd – United Kingdom Click to Career Project (C2C) is a Learning Partnership funded by the European Commission through Grundtvig Programme and will run for two years ( ). This course is conducted through the collaboration of eight European organizations:
There is a sector that economical crises do not hear about. E-Commerce is the only sales channel that is growing E-commerce also called electronic commerce is the buying and selling of products and services process by businesses and consumers through an electronic medium.
E-commerce transaction is the sale or purchase of goods or services, conducted over computer networks by methods specifically designed for the purpose of receiving or placing of orders.
B2B or Business to Business: B2C or Business to Consumer: C2C or Consumer to Comsumer:
It was one of the first major companies to sell goods over the Internet. The company began as an online bookstore, offering a much greater choice of titles of any major book store. Bezos, Amazon's founder, then renamed his company with the name "Amazon“ from the name of Amazon River. Amazon expanded quickly by offering new sections for new product lines. A particular feature of the Amazon website is to make possible for customers to review the items on the page, evaluating them on a scale from one to five. Robert Gentz and David Schneider, the two founders, who had the idea of trying to apply the model of online sales of shoes in Germany, and there was still no one to propose something similar. The offer is incredibly wide and designed to meet everyone's needs, so in addition to products to offer, it pays particular attention to ways in which users will find what they want. It is therefore of primary importance to make the catalog easily navigable. It offers a service product, such as "shipping and rendered free", "money back", "free assistance", which greatly influence the client in the selection of the site as a place of purchase.